library of routines to draw neural networks using manim
implementation of the manim_nn
routines to illustrate mnist at work, with animations for training and prediction - but SLOW, depending on your hardware. i'm using this on an M1 macbook air.
# load mnist dataset
In [1]: self.usr_load_data()
# train neural net, animating only the last training data element at every (epochs % epoch_anim_interval) ... because SLOW
In [2]: self.usr_train(epochs = 3, animate_weights = True, epoch_anim_interval = 1)
# predict using mnist test dataset
In [21]: self.usr_predict(self.x_test[15],self.y_test[15])
# animate the 784th neuron of the 1st layer
In [1]:[0].real_neurons[783].animate.shift(LEFT*3))
# animate the edge (weight) between the 784th neuron of the 1st layer and the 4th neuron of the next (2nd) layer
In [2]:[0].real_neurons[783].edge_to_neuron[3].animate.shift(LEFT*3))
Key requirements:
- miniforge 3.24.0 (python 3.10 default)
- ManimGL v1.6.1
- ffmpeg (via brew)
- latex (i'm using mactex via pkg installer)
- for mnist demo (
), you'll need my neural-net repository Neural-Network
NOTE - Had to reinstall miniforge 3.24.0 in order to solve environment and dependency issues including:
version issues (suggested use ofpython==3.10
which is default for miniforge3.24.0
issues- numpy issues (suggested version 1.24 to resolve ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (24,3) (0,3))
conda create --name manimgl --clone base
conda activate manimgl
conda install numpy==1.24
conda install keras
conda install tensorflow
pip install manimgl