
This repository showcases a collection of my projects in the field of data analysis. From exploring datasets to deriving meaningful insights, each project demonstrates my skills in handling data and extracting valuable information.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Analysis Portfolio

This repository showcases a collection of my projects in the field of data analysis. From exploring datasets to deriving meaningful insights, each project demonstrates my skills in handling data and extracting valuable information.


1. Project_RatingRealities: Movies Rating Bias Analysis

  • Objective: Explored patterns and trends to check scoring bias in the movie ratings.
  • Methodology: Using visualizations to depict the bias and data analysis to determine the bias level.
  • Tools: Python (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn), Jupyter Notebooks.

2. Project_FactExtractor: Fact-like Structure Extraction with SpaCy

  • Objective: Extracts subject-predicate-object (SPO) structures from text corpus to reveal fact-like relationships.
  • Methodology: Leverages SpaCy for accurate and context-aware text processing.
  • Key Features: Focuses on fact-like structures, handles text corpora, and presents structured outputs.
  • Applications: Enhances information retrieval, aids data analysis, and supports automated processing.
  • Tools: Primarily utilizes SpaCy for linguistic analysis.

How to Use This Repository:

  • Each project is in its own directory, with source code and documentation.
  • Detailed explanations, including data sources and methodologies, are provided in the respective project's README files.
  • Feel free to explore, learn, and adapt the code for your own projects.

I am continually adding new projects to enhance my skills and knowledge in data analysis. Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated!