Archived Repo ------------- This is an archived project and is no longer supported or updated by Facebook. Please do not file issues or pull-requests against this repo. If you wish to continue to develop this code yourself, we recommend you fork it. ------------- Mailing list at: lex-pass allows you to automate changes to a php codebase, by writing abstract-syntax-tree transformers in haskell. haskell is good because it is well-suited for language manipulation and because it has good parsing libraries that enable us to work with a nice abstract-syntax-tree. to install - ./install depends on - futil (git:// to use - run `lex-pass` to see options - to see an example run, run `lex-pass example-global` with a codebase in ~/www that uses some globals (e.g. "global $a;") - note a large codebase could takes tens of minutes the first run because no ast's are cached yet - you can ^C it early after it does 'Saving' on a few files to see how the changes work - to write a new transformer - see src/Transf/ for examples - src/do-codegen (which is run by ./install) automatically detects new transformers in src/Transf/ - if you are using git you may want to use a separate repo instead of just a branch in an existing repo. files have mtime updated by branch-switching, so there will be some unnecessary re-parsing. notes for those hacking on lex-pass itself - todo - php: b'' type string literals - maintain cached asts for codebase somewhere so ppl don't have to wait on their first lex-pass run? - better error on one-arg transf's if args wrong? - better way to specify args in transf doc? - make showing full transf list an option instead of default help? - we might actually get better perf with our own lexer, or at least not restarting php over and over again to do lexing. but not worth looking into any time soon? - resolve xWs/xWS, xAst/xAST variable-capitalization indecision - future langs - css - easy and relevant, but maybe a css-preprocessor is better to use - js - relevant - bash (we should probably just stop using..), c, python