
Form3 Take Home Exercise - form3-account-sdk

Primary LanguageGo


form3-account-sdk is a Go client library for accessing the Form3 API v1. Form3 Take Home Exercise - Indika Munaweera


Please note that this is my first Go project and I have been working to improve my Go language skills. This client libary provides Fetch, Create and Delete operations on the account resource.


form3-account-sdk is compatible with modern Go releases in module mode, with Go installed:

go get github.com/mkindika/form3-account-sdk/v1

will resolve and add the package to the current development module, along with its dependencies.

Alternatively the same can be achieved if you use import in a package:

import "github.com/mkindika/form3-account-sdk/v1"

and run go get without parameters.


import "github.com/mkindika/form3-account-sdk/v1/form3"	
import "github.com/google/form3-account-sdk/form3" // with go modules disabled

Construct a new Form3 API client, then use the account service on the client to fetch, create and delete an account. For example:

client := form3.NewClient()

// Create a new account
response, _, _ := c.Account.Create(ctx, accountData)

You can set the base URL, agent and provide a http client. For example:

\\ Update base URL. Default base url is http://localhost:8080
\\ Do not provide trailing \
client := form3.NewClient().WithBaseURL("http://localhost:9090")

\\ Update user agent. Default is form3.
client := form3.NewClient().WithUserAgent("http://localhost:9090")

\\ Also you can provide a http client with own configurations
httpClient := &http.Client{}
client := form3.NewClient().WithHttpClient(httpClient)

Integration Tests

These test are excuted against the dockerized mock account API.