• Improve rebuild time with CommonChunksPlugin
  • Add a large set of dependencies
  • Analyze bundle size


  • Hot reloading JavaScript component
  • Hot reloading TypeScript component
  • Hot reloading CSS
  • Hot reloading JavaScript component used in TypeScript component
  • Hot reloading JavaScript reducer
  • Hot reloading TypeScript reducer
  • TypeScript stacktraces in synchronous code
  • TypeScript stacktraces in Promises
  • Using Babel to compile ES6 to ES5 (this is for react-hot-loader)
  • Large TypeScript codebase (see generateTree.js)
  • Using ESLint on JavaScript code
  • Using TSLint on TypeScript code


VSCode Settings

    "[typescript]": {
        "editor.tabSize": 4
    "[typescriptreact]": {
        "editor.tabSize": 4