- PHP ^8.3
To install this module, run the following command in your terminal:
composer require mkioschi/php-types
$email = Email::from('email@domain.com');
echo $email->getHiddenFormat(); // Output: e***l@d********m
Most type have at least the following common methods:
- public static function from(...$args)
- public static function tryFrom(...$args)
- public static function innFrom(...$args)
- public static function isValid(...$args)
- public function equals($value)
- public function getValue(...$args)
- public function __toString(...$args)
- Address
- Arr
- Boolean
- Byte
- Centimeter
- Cnpj
- Cpf
- Domain
- Gram
- Gigabyte
- Ip
- Kilobyte
- Kilogram
- Megabyte
- Money
- Numeric
- Ounce
- Password
- Path
- PhoneNumber
- Pound
- PostalCode
- Slug
- Str
- Url
- Uuid
- CreditCard
- Duration
- Foot
- Hour
- Kilometer
- Meter
- Minute
- Percent
- Second
- Temperature