Welcome to the treesinspace
package. This will supply everything needed to reproduce the analyses and figures included in the manuscript. The code was written by M. Ianni-Ravn (mianniravn@uchicago.edu), with abundant help from Martin Petr and the rest of the Racimo lab at UCPH. The project extensively makes use of the R package slendr
(current version at https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/slendr/index.html). This will be installed, if not already present, when opening this R project.
To get going, please clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/mkiravn/treesinspace.git
Once this has installed, please open the treesinspace.Rproj
project. This will load all necessary modules.
The new_scripts
directory contains files needed for the analysis. Namely:
: exploring the effects of dispersal distribution, competition distance and mating distance. -
: comparing a theoretical model of mate choice to simulated results. This also uses data fromdata/ThirdSidePDF.tsv
, produced bythirdsidepdf.nb
. -
: investigating the accuracy of ML estimation of$\sigma$ under a brownian motion model -
: a visualisation of the effects of competition and mate choice scale.
These scripts will output figures into a figs
directory, and label them with the current date.