
JavaScript port of OpenFuego

Primary LanguageJavaScript


fuego for JavaScript

view an example app using jugo


To run jugo, the following must be installed

Once both are installed, run the following to install jugo locally

npm install jugo


Collection script

To start collecting tweets from your "universe" via the twitter gardenhose, create a script containing the following...

var jugo = require('jugo');

var J = jugo({
  "twitter" : {
    "consumer_key": "<INSERT KEY>",
    "consumer_secret": "<INSERT KEY>",
    "access_token": "<INSERT KEY>",
    "access_token_secret": "<INSERT KEY>"
  "accounts" : [
    ... // list of accounts you want to track
  "database" : "mongodb://localhost/test" // database location

// start collecting

And then run it as a background process. This will collect tweets as they come in, as well as metadata scraped from the urls. The collection script creates two mongo collections posts and meta which contain documents of the following schema...

// example post document
  url : post_url,
  date : new Date(tweet.created_at),
  account : tweet.user.screen_name,
  followers : tweet.user.followers_count,
  retweets : tweet.retweet_count,
  favorites : tweet.favorite_count

// example meta document
  url : url,
  title : ..., // open graph protocol title
  image : ...,// open graph protocol image
  author : ..., // open graph protocol author
  description : .., // open graph protocol description
  date : ..., // open graph protocol date

Usage in a web app

Jugo also provides a little wrapper for aggregating and accessing the tweets in the database. For example, in node express application, one might use Jugo as follows...

var jugo = require('jugo');

var J = jugo(jugo_config);

// open jugo database connection when app starts
J.open(function() {
  console.log('database open!')

// database query api
app.get('/get/:query', function(req, res) {
  var params = getJsonFromUrl(req.params.query);

  var max, min;

  if (params.max) {
    var date_num = parseInt(params.max);
    if (!isNaN(date_num)) {
      max = new Date(date_num);

  if (params.min) {
    var date_num = parseInt(params.min);
    if (!isNaN(date_num)) {
      min = new Date(date_num);

  // Use jugo "get" method to find top 40 stories
  // (currently ranked by number of tweets)
  // returns ...
  // {
  //   url : (shared url)
  //   count : (number of shares in specified timeframe)
  //   meta : (object containing scraped OG protocol metadata)
  // }
      max_date : max,
      min_date : min,
      num : 40
    function(results) {