
A Vim color scheme tuned to work with Apple's Terminal.app profiles.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Pigment (Deprecated)

A Vim color scheme tuned to work with Apple's Terminal.app profiles.

Pigment.vim provides the base set of cterm mappings to construct consistent color profiles. Profiles are then built by changing the ANSI color swatches in Terminal.app's Settings > Profiles > Text dialog.

The Pigment mappings are based on the recommendations from the Nord theme.

Installable Terminal Profiles

Pigment comes packaged with Nordish a theme based on Nord and Polarish a theme based on the old Polarized light theme and a bit of Nordish. These themes are a good starting point for creating new profiles.

New versions of the old Polarized themes are included for installation. The translation isn't a one to one match with v1.0.0. If you want to rollback:

Plug 'mkitt/pigment', { 'tag': 'v1.0.0' }

ANSI Color Mapping

Base00  Base01  Base02  Base03  Base04  Base05  Base06  Base07
Base08  Base09  Base10  Base11  Base12  Base13  Base14  Base15
Base00 00 Black Black GUI BG
Base01 01 Red DarkRed Error
Base02 02 Green DarkGreen String
Base03 03 Yellow Brown WarningMsg
Base04 04 Blue DarkBlue Statement
Base05 05 Magenta DarkMagenta Special
Base06 06 Cyan DarkCyan Constant
Base07 07 White Grey Default Text
Base08 08 Bright Black DarkGrey GUI FG
Base09 09 Bright Red Red Visual
Base0A 10 Bright Green Green Comment
Base0B 11 Bright Yellow Yellow Delimiter
Base0C 12 Bright Blue Blue Identifier
Base0D 13 Bright Magenta Magenta PreProc
Base0E 14 Bright Cyan Cyan GUI POP
Base0F 15 Bright White White Highlight Text

See :vert help highlight-groups and :vert help group-name


Set the color scheme in your vimrc

colorscheme pigment

No need to call set background, Terminal.app profile should take care of it.


Sync file, directory, symlink and friends coloring in a bash rc file.

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=excxgxfxbxdxbxbxbxexex

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