Spring question: Is field name used to match on bean name when @Autowired matches several beans by type?

How to run the example

Execute the main method in Application (run ./mvnw spring-boot:run). Note what is written to standard out by PublisherUser.printDebugInfo() which is a @PostConstruct method. The output is:

publishers.length: 2
publisherImplOne.getClass(): PublisherImplOne
publisherImplTwo.getClass(): PublisherImplTwo

Overview of the example

Spring configuration and main method is located in Application.

Publisher is an interface, which is implemented by two different beans: PublisherImplOne and PublisherImplTwo.

PublisherUser is registered as a Spring bean, and has multiple fields into which beans of type Publisher are @Autowired like this:

private Publisher publisherImplOne; // <== PublisherImplOne instance is injected - matches Application.publisherImplOne() by name 

private Publisher publisherImplTwo; // <== PublisherImplTwo instance is injected - matches Application.publisherImplTwo() by name

private Publisher[] publishers;     // <== Will get PublisherImplOne and PublisherImplTwo are both injected

Note that the two fields of type Publisher both have the same names as a bean (e.g. the publisherImplOne field has the same name as the bean defined by the @Bean method Application.publisherImplOne()).

As long as the field names and bean names match the program works. If we rename one of the fields, then Spring will complain that two beans both match the type of the @Autowired field.

Is this expected behavior? We can't find it documented anywhere.