Light-weight, C/C++ based, 3D rendering library built on OpenGL. Ultimately intended to be the successor to/replacement for my older gaming engine, GTE.
- Multi-pass and single-pass forward rendering
- Model import: Support for many industry standard formats via the Assimp library
- Image import: Support for many industry standard formats via the DevIL library
- Dynamic shadows via shadow maps
- Support for directional and point lights (2D and cube shadow maps)
- Multiple cascade levels for directional lights
- Soft edges through PCF
- Physically-based rendering
- Cook-Torrance BRDF
- Image-based ambient lighting for global illumination approximation
- HDR support
- Gamma correction support
- Skeletal animation:
- Vertex skinning
- Animation blending
- Particle systems
- Scene-graph API
- Render-to-texture capability
- Screen-space ambient occlusion
- Assimp (Asset Import Library)
- DevIL image library
Dynamic versions of the above libraries are required.
Standard CMake build is currently supported and an out-of-source build is recommended. To generate the make files, execute the command relevant to the desired configuration (Linux/Unix examples shown):
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Unix Makefiles"
A release build will be significantly more performant.
You will need to modify the locations of the Assimp and DevIL libraries in CMakeLists.txt. The relevant variables are DEVIL_DIR and ASSIMP_DIR.
In order for CMake to find your OpenGL installation on some Linux distributions, it may be necessary to run the following command to install the Mesa development packages:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
The DevIL library can be installed via:
sudo apt-get install libdevil-dev
The Assimp library can be installed via:
sudo apt-get install libassimp-dev