
Tiny scaffolding engine (WIP)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tiny scaffolding engine

Like cp, but with Lodash templates


npm i template-copy


const t = require('template-copy');

t('index.html templates/ ~/.config/templates/ava/ test/');
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log('ERR', err);
  .then(() => {


File copy is done using Streams, with lodash.template parsing files if they have template placeholders {{ ... }}.

Handlebars template are executed in the context of the following object:

Object.assign({}, env, opts)

// where `env` and `opts` have the following structure

  env: {
    PATH: '...',

  opts: {
    debug: true,
    name: 'Foobar'

The templates context is a merged version of various sources, with the following order of precedence:

  • opts - Command line flags as parsed by minimist
  • env - process.env variables begining with hcp_
  • prompts - Generated prompts, see below


Handlebars templates can have any number of placeholders. Variables are either available in the context object, or automatically prompted for the user to enter a value.

Skipping a prompt is then available with --name Value.

To enable it, inquirer must be installed and available in node_modules.

npm i inquirer -D

If not installed, prompts are not generated.


JSON files are merged together with destination, if it already exists.


  • hcp - CLI command power by template-copy