
Tiny wrapper around gaze / module-deps combo to re-run command(s) on file changes (WIP)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tiny wrapper around gaze / module-deps combo to re-run command(s) on file changes. That's it.


$ npm install watchd -g


$ watchd [files...] [options]

  -h, --help          Show this help output
  -v, --version       Show this help output
  -c, --cmd           One or more commands to run on file changes


  $ watchd -c "npm test"
  $ watchd -c "eslint ." -c "npm test"
  $ watchd lib/*.js *.{js,json} -c "echo Hello" -c "echo World"


  • gaze The input files are passed to gaze, which emits back update events. The list of --cmd scripts it then executed in sequence.

  • module-deps If no files is provided, module-deps is used to traverse the require tree for the current package (relative to cwd)

These two make it really easy to quickly setup a file watcher, with almost no configuration.