
A colorscheme for the sup mail client

MIT LicenseMIT


A sup colorscheme based on vim's wombat.

Wombat comes in two flavors: normal and inverted. Index mode looks the same in both:

index-mode screenshot

The thread-view mode in normal flavor uses color-on-gray message patinas, while inverted uses gray-on-color.


thread-view normal screenshot


thread-view inverted screenshot


Copy the file to ~/.sup/colors.yaml

Requires running sup in a 256-color terminal. On the screenshots you see rxvt-unicode-256color with the proggy square font:

$ grep 'urxvt.*ont' ~/.Xdefaults 
urxvt.font: xft:ProggySquareTT:style=Regular:pixelsize=16:antialias=false:hinting=true
urxvt.boldFont: xft:ProggySquareTT:style=Regular:pixelsize=16:antialias=false:hinting=true