
Some hello world projects with Node.js, JavaScript and TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hello Web

Some hello world projects with Node.js, JavaScript and TypeScript

How to run

  1. Start a fresh AWS instance, note it's public <ip-address>
  2. ssh into the instance
  3. On the instance, execute the following commands
$ sudo apt install docker.io
$ git clone https://github.com/mklinik/web-sandbox.git
$ cd web-sandbox/ts-hello-world
$ . make-docker.sh
$ . run-docker.sh

On your local machine:

$ curl http://<ip-address>:3000/person

On the AWS instance, stop the container.

  • docker stop takes either the container ID or name.
  • Name is subject to auto-completion.
  • Get the name with docker ps
$ docker ps
$ docker stop <container-ID>