
Basic docker-compose setup for Anchore

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Anchore Setup

Local Installation/Usage

  1. Install Anchore CLI

This is done via PIP: pip install --user --upgrade anchorecli

  • Make sure that the command anchore-cli is in your PATH, if not locate it:

find ~ -name anchore-cli

  • Add this file (or parent directory to shell profile)
  1. Clone this repo
  2. Tune config.yaml settings to your liking
  3. Bring up Anchore containers

docker-compose up -d


  1. For basic scans, you need to first add the image to be analyzed:

anchore-cli --u admin --p foobar image add quay.agilesof.com/brandi-dev/ad-hoc-service:latest

  1. Unfortanately Anchore does not inform you once an image is scanned, you can view an individual image status with:

anchore-cli --u admin --p foobar image get quay.agilesof.com/brandi-dev/ad-hoc-service:latest

  1. Viewing Security Vulnerabilities The basic format is: anchore-cli image vuln INPUT_IMAGE VULN_TYPE
  • VULN_TYPE can either be os, non-os or all
  1. Output to JSON

anchore-cli --u admin --p foobar --json image vuln quay.agilesof.com/brandi-dev/ad-hoc-service:latest all > 'cve.json'


It is much easier to use docker-compose, the yaml files are included in this directory, just run docker-compose up -d from this directory.


Note: You can sh into the container if you do not want to preface all commands with docker-compose exec api if you would like with: docker-compose exec api /bin/sh

  1. Start Anchore

docker-compose up -d

  1. Add Quay Registry

anchore-cli registry add --insecure quay.agilesof.com QUAYUSER QUAYPASS

  1. Add Image to be analyzed

docker-compose exec api anchore-cli --debug --insecure image add IMAGE

  1. Get Status

docker-compose exec api anchore-cli image wait IMAGE

  1. Get list of vulnerabilities

docker-compose exec api anchore-cli --json image vuln IMAGE VULNM_TYPE > 'OUT.json'

VULN_TYPE: os, on-os, all


Because our quay uses a self signed certificate, you must use the --insecure flag when using anchore-cli

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