
command line tool to export netease cloudmusic playlists to standard .m3u8,网易云音乐歌单导出工具,导出歌单为标准.m3u8格式

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


command line tool to export netease cloudmusic playlists to standard .m3u8



  • Standard .m3u8 with full features according to wikipedia
  • Support Windows, require python or WSL python
  • Support all cloud music and local music, as long as it can be accessed offline
  • Support nt style absolute path and posix style relative path in .m3u8


pip install git+https://github.com/mkmark/netease-cloudmusic-playlist-exporter.git

or clone then

py -m ensurepip --upgrade
python setup.py install

see https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/


ncmplex -h

usage: ncmplex [-h] [-p PLAYLIST] [-l LIB_PATH] [-d DOWNLOAD_PATH] [-e EXPORT_PATH] [-r]
               [-b BASE_PATH]

This tool creates .m3u8 playlists from Netease Cloudmusic webdb.dat.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PLAYLIST           playlist name, leave blank to export all, can be specified multiple times (default: [])
  -l LIB_PATH           webdb.dat and library.dat directory (default: [auto-generated])
  -d DOWNLOAD_PATH      Cloudmusic download path (default: [auto-generated])
  -e EXPORT_PATH        generated .m3u8 file export path (default: [auto-generated])
  -r                    remove base path and use relative posix path
  -b BASE_PATH          bsse path to be removed with -r (default to EXPORT_PATH)
  -c                    try to fix path case error
  -F                    ignore path infomation in ncm database
                        try to export tracks that are not found in ncm database, can be specified multiple times. (default: [])
  -v                    print verbose log


  • -d DOWNLOAD_PATH is required because web_offline_track stored in webdb.dat is stored with relative_path only, and there is no extra information in the database to determine the base path. If not provided, %USERPROFILE%\Music\CloudMusic\ is used.
  • -r option is useful to export music to posix system like Mac, Linux, Android and so.
  • -c option is useful to export music to be used in case-sensitive operation system like Linux and so. Path stored in the database may be in the incorrect case, which is not a problem in Windows or Mac. With -c enabled, the app will verify the file name on the disk, thus dramatically increase the processing time.
  • -f option is useful to export music that is not included in ncm database, but exists on disk, in format that can be specified by {{title}}, {{album}}, {{artists}}. Use first entry found. Also see 'Modify library.dat to enforce music match' below.


  • export all playlists using default settings.
  • export only specific playlists to designated location with custom CloudMusic download path, with songs of posix style relative path and try to fix path case, with additional path that prioritize .flac file.
ncmplex -p 我喜欢的音乐 -p "L - 5s" -d D:\Users\Mark\Music\CloudMusic -e D:\Users\Mark\Music\ -r -c -f D:\Users\Mark\Music\Additional\{{artists}}\{{album}}\{{title}}.flac -f D:\Users\Mark\Music\Additional\{{artists}}\{{album}}\{{title}}.mp3
  • show help
ncmplex -h

Modify library.dat to enforce music match

Manually apply tid of webdb.dat/web_track.tid to library.dat/track.tid to enforce music match.
