
Feature request: briefly flash newly guessed word in different color

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Great game, thanks for writing it!

When playing with a large list of words, I have a hard time telling if I've guessed a new word or simply retyped I word I already had. It would help to have a newly guessed word appear in a different color. I guess strictly speaking knowing I really got a new word is unnecessary, but it's reassuring.

Here's a very hacky way to implement the change: when a correct guess is made, instead of putting (word t) in the data structure, mark it differently, say as (word new), then when drawing that entry use a different face and change the symbol new to t so on the next redrawing it will appear in jlr-correct-face. Here's a diff:

diff -c your-jumblr.el modified-jumblr.el
*** your-jumblr.el      2015-01-09 11:15:37.899773390 -0500
--- modified-jumblr.el  2015-01-09 11:00:49.907370068 -0500
*** 130,135 ****
--- 130,136 ----
  ;;; faces
  (make-face 'jlr-scrable-face)
  (make-face 'jlr-correct-face)
+ (make-face 'jlr-flash-face)
  (make-face 'jlr-cheat-face)
  (make-face 'jlr-blank-face)
  (make-face 'jlr-guess-face)
*** 140,145 ****
--- 141,152 ----
                      :foreground "#859900"
                      :height 1.5)

+ (set-face-attribute 'jlr-flash-face nil
+                     :inherit 'fixed-pitch
+                     :weight 'bold
+                     :foreground "#008599"
+                     :height 1.5)
  (set-face-attribute 'jlr-blank-face nil
                      :inherit 'fixed-pitch
                      :height 1.5)
*** 375,380 ****
--- 382,390 ----
         ((equal -1 status)
          (propertize output 'face 'jlr-cheat-face))
+        ((equal 'new status)
+         (setcdr elt '(t))
+         (propertize output 'face 'jlr-flash-face))
          (propertize output 'face 'jlr-correct-face))
*** 428,434 ****
      (when (-contains? data try)
        (let ((ind (-elem-index try data)))
          (setq data (remove try data))
!         (setq data (-insert-at ind (list word t) data))))
      (setq jlr-game-data
            (list (list (jlr-scramble-word scr) "")
--- 438,444 ----
      (when (-contains? data try)
        (let ((ind (-elem-index try data)))
          (setq data (remove try data))
!         (setq data (-insert-at ind (list word 'new) data))))
      (setq jlr-game-data
            (list (list (jlr-scramble-word scr) "")

Diff finished.  Fri Jan  9 11:16:45 2015

This seems very undisciplined and I'm sure if you wanted to implement this feature you'd find a better way to do it.

hi! thanks so much for writing, and I apologize for my slow response.
this is a great idea!

i unfortunately don't have time to implement it at the moment... if you
submit your patch as a pull request, though, I'd be happy to try it out and
merge it in if it works.

thanks again!

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 11:23 AM, oantolin wrote:

Great game, thanks for writing it!

When playing with a large list of words, I have a hard time telling if
I've guessed a new word or simply retyped I word I already had. It would
help to have a newly guessed word appear in a different color. I guess
strictly speaking knowing I really got a new word is unnecessary, but it's

Here's a very hacky way to implement the change: when a correct guess is
made, instead of putting (word t) in the data structure, mark it
differently, say as (word new), then when drawing that entry use a
different face and change the symbol new to t so on the next redrawing
it will appear in jlr-correct-face. Here's a diff:

diff -c your-jumblr.el modified-jumblr.el
*** your-jumblr.el 2015-01-09 11:15:37.899773390 -0500
--- modified-jumblr.el 2015-01-09 11:00:49.907370068 -0500

*** 130,135 ****
--- 130,136 ----
;;; faces
(make-face 'jlr-scrable-face)
(make-face 'jlr-correct-face)

  • (make-face 'jlr-flash-face)
    (make-face 'jlr-cheat-face)
    (make-face 'jlr-blank-face)
    (make-face 'jlr-guess-face)

    *** 140,145 ****
    --- 141,152 ----
    :foreground "#859900"
    :height 1.5)

  • (set-face-attribute 'jlr-flash-face nil

  •                 :inherit 'fixed-pitch
  •                 :weight 'bold
  •                 :foreground "#008599"
  •                 :height 1.5)

    (set-face-attribute 'jlr-blank-face nil
    :inherit 'fixed-pitch
    :height 1.5)

    *** 375,380 ****
    --- 382,390 ----
    ((equal -1 status)
    (propertize output 'face 'jlr-cheat-face))

  •    ((equal 'new status)
  •     (setcdr elt '(t))
  •     (propertize output 'face 'jlr-flash-face))
      (propertize output 'face 'jlr-correct-face))

    *** 428,434 ****
    (when (-contains? data try)
    (let ((ind (-elem-index try data)))
    (setq data (remove try data))
    ! (setq data (-insert-at ind (list word t) data))))
    (setq jlr-game-data
    (list (list (jlr-scramble-word scr) "")
    --- 438,444 ----
    (when (-contains? data try)
    (let ((ind (-elem-index try data)))
    (setq data (remove try data))
    ! (setq data (-insert-at ind (list word 'new) data))))
    (setq jlr-game-data
    (list (list (jlr-scramble-word scr) "")

Diff finished. Fri Jan 9 11:16:45 2015

This seems very undisciplined and I'm sure if you wanted to implement this
feature you'd find a better way to do it.

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