
.RProfile file that saves your eyes from excessive strain due to programming!

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.RProfile file that saves your eyes from excessive strain due to programming!

My optometrist recommended that every 20 minutes I look away from the computer screen to take a break for 20 seconds and look at something at least 20 feet away. I found this advice difficult to implement, as 20 minutes would go by and I would often forget.

With this .Rprofile file, the reminders are automatic and print every 20 minutes to your console.


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# .RProfile file that prints a message to the console every 20 minutes
# reminding you to take a break for 20 seconds and look at something at least
# 20 feet or farther in the distance
# checks to see if later is installed
if (system.file(package = "later") == "") {
print("You do not have the package `later` installed")
print("Please install `later` for this .Rprofile to work.")
# rest_eyes function
rest_eyes <- function(m = 20) {
seconds <- m*60 # later() expects seconds, so this converts arg to seconds
"It's been",
"minutes. Take a 20 second break and look at something at least 20 feet away!"
later::later(~rest_eyes, seconds) # delays next print to m minutes
later::later(~rest_eyes, 20*60) # this delays the first print to 20 min

Happy programming in R!


Thank you to the later package and this blog post from Yihui Xie.