
Babel tower of programming languages. Fractel interpolation algorithm written in seeral programming languages.

Primary LanguageHaskell


  • see how to implement a fractal interpolation algorithm in different programming languages
  • compare implementation of the CPU time, code length and readability

Install & run

Current version is prepared to run on Linux terminal.

To compile the source run in FractalInterpolation directory:

make prepare

To run efficiency tests run in FractalInterpolation directory:

make time_test


Each folder stands for a different programmin language.

├── C
│   ├── main.c
│   └── Makefile
├── Fortran
│   ├── main.f
│   └── Makefile
├── Haskell
│   └── main.hs
├── Makefile
├── Octave
│   └── main.m
├── Python
│   └── main.py
├── README.md
└── SML
    └── main.sml

Fractal interpolation

Fractal interpolation

We want to interpolate function U to position x knowing values of U only in N nodes on uniform grid.

Given the interval $$[x_{0},x_{N}]$$ which is divided into N sections of length $$\delta_{x} = (x_{N}-x_{0})/N$$, on each subinterval $$[x_{2k},x_{2k+2}],\quad k=0,\dots,\lfloor N/2\rfloor-1$$we define an affine mapping $W_{i}$: $$ W_{i}[u]{\xi} = \begin{cases} d_{i,1}u(2\xi) + q_{i,1}(2\xi), & \xi \in [0,1/2)\ d_{i,2}u(2\xi-1) + q_{i,2}(2\xi-1), & \xi \in [1/2,1], \end{cases} $$ where the local coordinate is denoted by $$\xi = (x-x_{i-1})/(2\delta_{x})$$; q_{i,1}, q_{i,2} are polynomials and $d_{i,1}, d_{i,2}$ are stretching parameters, which in general may depend on the section $i$ but in our case will be constant for the whole interval, we simplify the notation to $d_{1}, d_{2}$. Note that the local coordinate, $\xi$, is taken with respect to a double-length interval. It means that $\xi = 0$ is exactly at point $x_{i-1}$, $\xi = 0.5$ at point $x_{i}$ and $\xi = 1$ at point $x_{i+1}$.


  1. implement the algorithm in a new naw language
  2. implement the algorithm in a substantially different or more efficient way in a language already present in this repo
  3. run tests and report the execution time