
Simple REST API written in Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Geolocation API

This is a simple API written in Ruby on Rails that allows to create, delete and get geolocation records. Runs on SQLite database.

How to run it?


  1. Create database: bundle exec rake db:create
  2. Run migrations: bundle exec rake db:migrate
  3. Run server locally: bundle exec rails s

In Docker

  1. Build docker image: docker build -t your_tag .
  2. Run the image: docker run -p 3000:3000 your_tag

How to use it?

Create records

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"geolocation": {
		"ip": "",
		"ip_type": "ipv4",
		"country": "Poland",
		"city": "Poznań",
		"latitude": 52.41360092163086,
		"longitude": 16.837390899658203

Get records

curl --location --request GET ''

Show record for the IP provided

curl --location --request GET ''

Delete record for the IP provided

curl --location --request DELETE ''