
PostgreSQL Database created by crunchy operator

PostgreSQL DB with crunchy operator

Install the DB cluster

After installing the Crunchy Postgres Operator, create a postgres Cluster:

kubectl apply -k k8s/database

The Deployment is created via kustomize in a new created namespace databases and a 3 instance cluster hippo is created incl Backup to Disk.

Add role for monitorings

kubectl exec -it hippo-instance1-45mt-0 -- patronictl list

kubectl exec -it [MASTER_INSTANCE] -- psql

Here create the monitoring user:

CREATE ROLE ccp_monitoring WITH LOGIN;
ALTER ROLE ccp_monitoring WITH PASSWORD '[DECODED PASSWORD OF SECRET hippo-monitoring]';

Now install the monitoring for postgres DBs in this namespace:

kubectl apply -k k8s/monitoring‚

Create a small table for testing

For testing purpose, create a small table:

create table test (id int, name char(32));

insert into test (id, name)
(4, 'Dirk'),

Create a backup of the DB

Backups can be done on demand:

kubectl annotate -n databases postgrescluster hippo \
  postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/pgbackrest-backup="$( date '+%F_%H:%M:%S' )"

If you need to rerun the backup at the same day, you need to use the --overwrite option

kubectl annotate -n databases postgrescluster hippo --overwrite \
  postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/pgbackrest-backup="$( date '+%F_%H:%M:%S' )"

Check the backups:

kubectl exec -it [LEADER_INSTANCE_POD] -- pgbackrest info

Upgrade postgres to higher version

Create a PG_UPDATE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME yaml manifest pg_update.yaml and apply it in the same namespace where the database is running:

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PGUpgrade
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-upgrade:ubi8-5.5.0-0
  postgresClusterName: [PG_CLUSTER_NAME]
  fromPostgresVersion: [FRON_VERSION]
  toPostgresVersion: [TO_VERSION]

After this manifest is deployed you can check with

kubectl -n [NAMESPACE] get pgupgrades

Now annotate the instance to fulfil the update

kubectl -n pgo annotate postgrescluster [POSTGRES_CLUISTER_NAME] postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/allow-upgrade="[PG_UPDATE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

Now shutdown the database by changing the notation for shutdown in the postgres-cluster yaml manifest

    shutdown: true

Now the instance will be shutted down and the database will be upgraded. For this a couple of jobs run - you see completed pods at the end.

Now update the version in your postgres cluster manifest to the desired version and set spec.shutdown to false again so that the instance starts again.