
Primary LanguageShell

Home bin folder

Create and clone inital Repository

mkdir -p ~/Repos/github.com/mkoese/init
git clone git@github.com:mkoese/init.git ~/Repos/github.com/mkoese/init
cd ~/Repos/github.com/mkoese/init

Create directories in ~

while IFS= read -r directory; do mkdir -vp "$(eval echo $directory)"; done < .homecreate

Create links to initial scripts

mkdir -vp ~/bin && ln -vs ~/Repos/github.com/mkoese/init/* ~/bin

Create backups or restore backups

Create backups to the cloud:

# Don't forget the space
 export RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS='changeit'

Restore backups from the cloud:

# Don't forget the space
 export RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS='changeit'