Cython vs. SWIG, Fight!

Author: Mark Kohler
Date: 2013-03-16

Wrapping C libraries for Python

Hello, welcome to Cython vs SWIG, Fight!.

This talk is about what happens when you realize that not EVERYTHING is in the standard library. In fact, there may be things YOU want that you can't even get from the CHEESE shop.

If what you want, is to use a C library from Python, then you're in luck, because CYTHON and SWIG are excellent tools for building Python extension modules by wrapping C libraries.

But if they're BOTH excellent, which one should YOU use? To answer this question, we will wrap the same library with Cython AND SWIG, compare the process and the results, and then YOU can decide.


  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

To start this talk, I'm going to quickly discuss the Python import statement and what it hides.

Then we'll create a very simple library and wrap it for Python using, first SWIG, and then Cython. We will continue to add functions to this library, and make those functions accessible from Python. As we do this, consider whether you like the SWIG way or the Cython way better.

At the end, I'll make some gross generalizations, and then we'll settle the fight with a vote.

Code first and ask questions later

  1. C code
  2. SWIG code
  3. SWIG demonstration
  4. Cython code
  5. Cython demonstration

I want to show a lot of code in this talk, and in an attempt to keep you, and especially me, from getting lost, I will always show the source files in the same order, and the NAME of the file will always be in the title of the slide.

First, I will show you the C code, then the SWIG interface file, and then a transcript of USING the SWIG-built extension module. Next, I will show the Cython code and finally, a transcript of using the Cython-built extension module.

As we add features, I'll repeat the process: C code, SWIG code, SWIG demonstration, Cython code, Cython demonstration.

We are Here

  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

Let's get started with the import statement.

import this

>>> import socket
>>> import datetime
>>> import time
  • What is socket.__file__?
  • What is datetime.__file__?
  • What is time.__file__?

First, I have a question. What does import import?

Each of the import statements on the slide imports a module. But what exactly is being imported? Or to put it another way, after the import, what does the module object's dunder file object point to?

This is a bit of a trick question, because the answer depends on the platform, but I'll give you a hint, there are 3 possibilities.

import socket

>>> socket.__file__

The first possibility is the most straight-forward. The import statement caused the Python interpreter to load a .pyc file into memory. I'm sure you've seen PYC files before. They contain python byte-code.

import datetime

>>> datetime.__file__

$ file /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, dynamically linked

The second possibility is the one we care about today. The import statement caused a Python extension module to be loaded into memory. The ".so" stands for Shared Object, and it is machine code. Nevertheless, when we import it, it looks and feels like Python code.

This is a killer feature! Applications can import modules containing either Python code, or compiled machine code, and the interface is exactly the same.

And that's why we're here. That's what we'll be doing with SWIG and Cython, taking compiled code, that doesn't know anything about Python, wrapping it up, and turning it into Python extension modules, that work just like pure Python code.

import time

>>> time.__file__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__file__'

There's one more possibility, and it isn't relevant to SWIG or Cython, but I think I should mention it anyway, as it confused me the first time I went to look for a Python module on disk, and I couldn't find a corresponding .py or .pyc or .so file.

So, where DID this module get imported from?

The answer to this riddle is that some Python extension modules are linked with the Python interpreter when IT is built. If a module is linked to the interpreter binary, then it WON'T have a dunder file attribute.

To find the source for a module like this, look in the build environment of your Python interpreter.

We are Here

  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

Now, let's create a C library.

adder.c: add()

add(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;

ADD is a C function which adds two integers, and returns their sum. Unremarkable...but we'd like to use it from Python.

adder.h: add()

int add(int x, int y);

For C libraries, the interface to a function is declared in a HEADER file. Here is the header file for ADD.

As you may notice, it consists entirely of information that is also in adder.c.

This kind of repetition is something to watch out for, because keeping the same information in two places makes for troublesome code maintenance...and we're going to see a lot more of that kind of repetition in the SWIG and Cython workflows.


  1. Compile

    adder.c + adder.h --> adder.o

  2. Link

    adder.o -->

This slide shows the build process for libadder. The names in bold are the human-generated files. (pause)

LIBADDER.SO is the final shared object, ready to be linked with C programs and other shared libraries.

We are Here

  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

Now, we will use SWIG, and then Cython, to create Python extension modules that wrap libadder's add function.

adder.i (SWIG interface file)

%module adder
#include "adder.h"

int add(int, int);

To use SWIG, you, the programmer, have to create ONE file, the SWIG interface, or .i file. THIS is adder.i, the SWIG interface file we created for libadder.

It contains the name of the extension module we want to build, the name of the C header file, AND the contents of the C header file.

Now, what do we do with this file? Let's look at the SWIG build diagram.

SWIG build diagram

  1. Start with: adder.h,

  2. SWIG

    adder.h + adder.i --> adder_wrap.c +

  3. Compile

    adder.h + adder-wrap.c --> adder_wrap.o

  4. Link + adder_wrap.o -->

The SWIG tool takes the C header file, and the SWIG interface file, and it generates two files: the _wrap.c file and a Python file. These files work together to convert between Python objects and C functions.

We compile the SWIG-generated C file, link it to the shared object we started with, and PRESTO, we have a Python extension module.

demo of SWIG's add()

>>> import adder
>>> adder.add(2, 3)

And here's how it looks in use. We import the python file that SWIG generated, and IT imports the object, and we now have access to the C library. Magic!

Now let's do the same thing, but with Cython.

c_adder.pxd: Cython interface file

cdef extern from "adder.h":
    int add(int x, int y)

Like with SWIG, we start by creating an interface file. In Cython-land, the interface file is a dot-PXD file. sure looks a lot like the SWIG interface file. Like the SWIG interface file, it both references the C header file, and contains a copy of the C header file, except for the semi-colon.

cy_adder.pyx: Cython source file

cimport c_adder

def add(x, y):
    return c_adder.add(x, y)

So, SWIG and Cython both require us to create an interface file, but in Cython, we also need to create a PYX file.

I'm not going to explain the syntax of this file yet. Let's squint a little, pretend the file is Python code, and see if we can make any sense of it.

Yes, except for that cimport line, which looks a lot like a regular Python import, this is Python code. The big difference is what we do with it. The next step is to to feed it to Cython, to be translated to C.

Let's do it!

Cython build diagram

  1. Cython

    adder.h + c_adder.pxd + cy_adder.pyx --> cy_adder.c

  2. Compile

    adder.h + cy_adder.c --> cy_adder.o

  3. Link + cy_adder.o -->

Cython takes our C header file, our interface file, and this third file we just learned about, the PYX file, and generates a single C file, cy_adder.c in this case.

Compile and link that, and we get an extension module that we can import at the Python prompt. Let's try it out.

demo of Cython's add()

>>> import cy_adder
>>> cy_adder.add(2, 3)

Import the shared object we just built, and boom, we are running C code from Python. Great!

How did that happen again?

Let's review.

Cython build review

  1. Given: adder.h,

  2. Cython

    adder.h + c_adder.pxd + cy_adder.pyx --> cy_adder.c

  3. Compile

    adder.h + cy_adder.c --> cy_adder.o

  4. Link + cy_adder.o -->

Like with SWIG, we start with a C header file, and a shared object.

WE write a PXD file, which is CYTHON's interface file format. We also need to write wrapper functions in the Cython language, which we will soon see, is a hybrid of C and Python.

From those files, Cython generates a C file. Compile and link Cython's C file, and we have a Python extension module that we can import and use.

We are Here

  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

Now let's learn how to use a C function that requires you to pass it a pointer to a struct.

adder.h: pair_add()

typedef struct _PAIR {
    int x;
    int y;

int pair_add(PAIR * ppair);

Here's a header file with a struct, PAIR, defined.

Below the struct is the declaration for pair_add, which takes a single argument, a pointer to a PAIR.

adder.c: pair_add()

pair_add(PAIR * ppair) {
    return ppair->x + ppair->y;

pair_add returns the sum of the integers in the struct pointed to by ppair.

That's pretty straightforward C code. But how can we use pair_add from Python? How do we build a struct in Python? What do we tell SWIG?

adder.i: pair_add()

typedef struct _PAIR {
    int x;
    int y;

int pair_add(PAIR * ppair);

Here's what we add to our SWIG interface file for pair_add. We just copy-and-paste the relevant part of the C header file.

Remembering the SWIG build diagram, we use this to build the adder extension module. Let's see how we use it.

demo of SWIG's pair_add()

>>> import adder
>>> my_pair = adder.PAIR()
>>> type(my_pair)
<class 'adder.PAIR'>
>>> my_pair.x = 3
>>> my_pair.y = 4
>>> adder.pair_add(my_pair)

Well, that's interesting. Where did that adder.PAIR() come from?

The answer is, SWIG did it. If you put a struct in a SWIG interface file, SWIG creates an associated Python class. The fields in the Python object correspond to the fields in the struct.

In this example, we are PASSING a pointer-to-a-struct, but this same mechanism can be used with functions that RETURN a pointer-to-a-struct.

Okay, now let's do it with Cython.

c_adder.pxd: pair_add()

ctypedef struct PAIR:
    int x
    int y

int pair_add(PAIR * ppair)

Again, the Cython interface file contains the same information as the C header file. We just need to replace typedef with ctypedef, and remove the braces and semi-colons.

cy_adder.pyx: pair_add()

def pair_add(x, y):
  cdef c_adder.PAIR my_pair
  my_pair.x = x
  my_pair.y = y
  return c_adder.pair_add(&my_pair)

And this is where we start to see, Cython the LANGUAGE, where on a line-by-line basis, or even within a line, we can switch between Python and C. (PAUSE)

Line 1 starts like a Python function. But in Line 2, the CDEF keyword says that we are defining a variable the C way, with a type and a name. (PAUSE)

In lines 3 and 4, the Python objects x and y, are unwrapped into the C struct.

On the last line, we call our original C function, using C's address-of operator, to get a pointer to the struct.

demo of Cython's pair_add()

>>> import cy_adder
>>> cy_adder.pair_add(3, 4)

And here it is in action. The Cython code you just saw can take arguments from the Python interpreter, allocate a struct, fill it in, and pass it to the pair_add function, which has no idea the struct came from a Python program.

Let's keep going. We need to see some of the complexity behind the magic.

We are Here

  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

And a good way to dive right into a sea of complexity is to start thinking about C strings and Python.

Yes...C Strings, the source of all good buffer overflows.

Compared to Python strings, C strings are so amazingly primitive, it's hard to even call them strings. They are fixed-size, mutable, arrays of bytes. Nevertheless, there are many C libraries that use C strings as part of their interface. And we need to understand how to handle them from Python.

We'll start with a simple case.

adder.h: get_version()

char * get_version(void);

All good libraries need to report their version. So we'll make a function that returns its version as a C string.

adder.c: get_version()

static char version[] = "v1.0";

char *
get_version(void) {
    return version;

Here's the implementation. The important thing to notice is that the string itself is stored as a static variable.

In this way, we can bypass the memory management of temporary C strings. We'll get to that soon enough.

adder.i: get_version()

char * get_version(void);

For SWIG, we just add this line, right from the C header file, to our SWIG interface file. Compile and link and...

demo of SWIG's get_version()

>>> import adder
>>> adder.get_version()
>>> adder.get_version().__class__
<type 'str'>

And here is get_version in use.

Conveniently, SWIG automatically converts the C string to a Python string, a real Python string.

So that seems to work pretty well. Let's try it with Cython.

c_adder.pxd: get_version()

char * get_version()

We start with a Cython interface file. Here in Cython land, with its modernist sensibilities, we don't need the void or the semi-colon. Otherwise, it is identical to the C header file.

cy_adder.pyx: get_version()

def get_version():
    return c_adder.get_version()

And our addition to the Cython source file is a trivial pass-thru function.

demo of Cython's get_version()

>>> import cy_adder
>>> cy_adder.get_version()
>>> cy_adder.get_version().__class__
<type 'str'>

The Cython version works just like the SWIG version. So that's boring.

Cython and C Strings

"C strings are slow and cumbersome"

"...avoid using C strings where possible"

"...more likely to introduce bugs"

But if converting between C strings and Python strings is so easy, why do I find warnings like this in the Cython documentation?

SWIG and C Strings

"The problems (and perils) of using char * are well-known. However, SWIG is not in the business of enforcing morality."

SWIG documentation, Section 8.3 C String Handling

And THIS in the SWIG documentation.

We are Here

  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

The problem is...memory management. Python's is automatic. C's is manual.

And that may sound academic, until you start thinking about what you like to do with strings: split them, combine them, copy them, pass them around to your friends.

And while you're having all that fun, who's keeping track of the memory you're using?

To explore this, we'll add a function to libadder that takes a C string as a parameter, and produces a C string as output.

adder.h: sgreeting()

int sgreeting(char * name,
              char * outp,
              int buflen);

Here is the declaration for sgreeting, a function that creates a greeting. If you pass it "Monty", it produces "Hello, Monty".

sgreeting works like sprintf. That is, sgreeting produces a greeting but it RETURNS the number of characters in the output string.

So where does sgreeting put the greeting? in a buffer passed to it by the CALLER of sgreeting.

This is a common pattern in C libraries. The CALLER allocates the memory.

adder.c: sgreeting()

static char hello[] = "Hello, ";

sgreeting(char * name, char * outp, int buflen) {
    if (outp && buflen) {
        if (buflen < (strlen(hello) +
                      strlen(name) + 1)) {
            outp[0] = 0;
            return 0;
        strcpy(outp, hello);
        strcat(outp, name);
    return strlen(hello) + strlen(name);

Here's the implementation of sgreeting.

The first conditional allows callers to bypass the body of the function, and just find out how big the output string will be.

The pattern is, the caller calls sgreeting with a NULL pointer, finds out how much space to allocate, allocates the space, and then calls sgreeting again passing in a pointer to the allocated space.

The second conditional checks if the buffer is big enough for the output, bailing out if it isn't.

Let's use SWIG to make this function available to Python.

adder.i: sgreeting()

%include "cstring.i"
%cstring_output_maxsize(char * outp,
                        int buflen);

int sgreeting(char * name,
              char * outp,
              int buflen);

Up to this point, we have seen functions that meshed PERFECTLY with SWIG's default behavior. That is why our SWIG interface files have been...just COPIES of the C header file.

For example, by default, SWIG converts Python strings to read-only C strings. That's exactly what we want for the NAME parameter.

But SWIG CAN do other things. The second line of our interface file, is a macro, that tells SWIG that IT needs to allocate the memory, AND that the caller will tell it how much.

Let's see what that looks like.

demo of SWIG's sgreeting()

>>> import adder
>>> adder.sgreeting("Monty", 100)
[12, 'Hello, Monty']

Hmmm...We started with a function, sgreeting, that took 3 arguments, and returned an integer, but here we are, at the python prompt, using a function that takes 2 arguments and returns a list. SWIG did that.

In the previous slide, we talked about how SWIG is able to take a size argument from the wrapped function, allocate a buffer of that size, and then pass the buffer to the C function.

But you can also tell SWIG that a C parameter, is an output buffer, and SWIG will remove that parameter from the function's signature, and return it in a list, along with the actual return value.

So, in our example, the C version of sgreeting returned 12, but "Hello, Monty" was grabbed from the OUTP pointer.

c_adder.pxd: sgreeting()

int sgreeting(char * name,
              char * output,
              int buflen)

Now, let's see how to handle sgreeting's interface with Cython.

Here is what we add to the Cython interface file. As with our other examples, it is almost identical to the C header file.

cy_adder.pyx: sgreeting()

def sgreeting(name):
    c_len = c_adder.sgreeting(name, <char * > 0, 0)
    py_str = 'x' * (c_len + 1)
    cdef char * c_str = py_str
    c_adder.sgreeting(name, c_str, len(py_str))
    return c_str

And here's the Cython code. Notice how long it is? We spend 3 lines doing memory allocation before we can call our C function.

First, we call sgreeting with the bona fide name, but a null pointer. This lets us find out how long the greeting WILL be, and thus how much memory we need to allocate.

In the next two lines, we create a Python string and convert it to a C string. After the conversion, the C string points to the buffer inside the Python string object. In this way, we can piggy-back on Python's memory management. Another approach would be to call malloc and free directly.

Once we have our memory, we can call our C function, and get our greeting placed in C_STR. Finally, the return statement implicitly converts C_STR into a Python string.

demo of Cython's sgreeting()

>>> import cy_adder
>>> cy_adder.sgreeting("Monty")
'Hello, Monty'

And here we see the benefit of writing all of that code in the Cython PYX file. Our wrapped function has a perfectly Pythonic interface, with no indication of all the manual memory-management machinations that we were just mulling.

We are Here

  • import statement
  • libadder
  • passing ints
  • passing structs
  • C strings
  • memory management
  • generalizations

Whew. We've looked at the details of how you use SWIG and Cython. Now let's take a step back from the nitty gritty, and look at some of their high-level differences.

SWIG Advantages

  • Multi-language support
  • More DRY than Cython

CLICK. SWIG will wrap C libraries for many languages besides Python. So if you are the author of a C library, and you want to provide bindings for Python AND Java AND Ruby, SWIG is THE tool.

CLICK. DRY means Don't Repeat Yourself, and both SWIG and Cython have a common weakness in that they require the programmer to maintain interface files that are near copies of C header files. In addition, as we saw, Cython requires you to create your own wrapper functions in a PYX file. That is, (pause), not ideal.

Nevertheless, SWIG has the best story here. If your C library has a SWIG-friendly interface, it is POSSIBLE to use the C header files AS the SWIG interface file. Even if you can only do this for most of your library, it can be a huge code maintenance win.

Cython Advantages

  • It's Python and it's C
  • explore performance trade-offs between C and Python

Cython is great at wrapping C libraries, but its primary use is improving the performance of PYTHON code. The ability to wrap C libraries almost comes along for free. The Cython pitch is great. Cython IS Python, with optional, static, types. The more types you add, the faster it goes.

Unlike SWIG, which has its own pattern matching language for gluing together C and Python, Cython is C AND Python, in one file. You just need to wrap your head around the idea, (pause) and change your build process.

Allowing one to switch between C and Python, line-by-line, is a killer feature, as it lets one smoothly slide between C and Python, as external interfaces or performance considerations dictate.

Alternatives to Cython and SWIG

After all this, if you want to run screaming away from SWIG and Cython, but you still need to use C libraries from Python, you have two choices, and they are both, in a sense, extreme choices compared to SWIG and Cython.

(CLICK) You can write an extension module, manually, using the Python C API, just like much of the standard library.

(CLICK) Or you can use ctypes, which is part of the Standard Library, and lets you access C libraries with a lot less CEREMONY, but also a lot less SAFETY, than SWIG and Cython. If you want to access a C library NOW, without building anything, without source code, and without even a header file, take a look at ctypes.

Getting Started

  • Start small
  • Use distutils

Adopting a powerful tool like SWIG or Cython, can be scary. At the beginning it can be hard to see whether it will do what you need.

(CLICK) Start small. Like with any code, work incrementally. Neither SWIG nor Cython require you to wrap an entire library. Wrap one function at a time.

(CLICK) And use DISTUTILS to build your Python extension. Even if you don't use it for anything else. distutils actually SCRAPES the Python Makefile to ensure that it uses the right flags to compile extension modules. Someone wrote that code. Use it.

And someone's been writing a lot of C libraries. Use them. From Python.

Cython vs. SWIG, Vote

Okay, now we'll vote on Cython vs SWIG.

First, raise your hand if you like the Cython way better.

Okay, now raise your hand if you like the SWIG approach better.

Code and Slides

Thank you. The code and slides are available on github.

Are there any questions?