
Application for scoring assessments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

testscoring      Build Status

Local Development

To bring up the backend: docker-compose up. Then run scripts/first_run.sh to apply initial migrations and create a test user.

The UI is served on Or for easier developement of the UI, you can cd into ui and run yarn start


The API is deployed on fly.io. New deployments can be started by running:

flyctl deploy


The database is hosted on neon.tech, to hopefully bring better stability to the application.


Fork the repo, make your changes, then submit a pull request. Be sure your pull request includes any migrations that were created.

Please install and use the flake8 pre-commit hook, this will help PRs stay focused on the important things:

pre-commit install --install-hooks

Adding new assessments

To add new assessments, create an assessment class and add it to the "assessments" list in backend/apps/testing/v1_views.py. See another assessment for an example and the comments in backend/apps/testing/utils.py

Once the assessment class has been created, a slug and readable name need to be added to the TEST_TYPE_CHOICES field in the Test model in backend/apps/testing/models.py. Again, just follow the patterns that are there.

Because this changes the database model, a migration needs to be created. Exec into the docker container (docker-compose exec api sh) and run python manage.py makemigrations. This will find the changes and write them to a file. To test the changes, apply the migrations (run python manage.py migrate) and then use the UI to use the new assessment.

Unit Tests

There are unit tests in backend/tests that can be used to ensure that the scoring logic for assessments doesn't change.

First, score a test on the website and verify that it matches the score when scored manually. This ensures that the scoring logic is correct.

Then download the test items and scoring data for that test by running:

USERNAME=<username> PASSWORD=<password> TESTID=<testid> python scripts/generate_test_data.py

The URL can be set to the localhost if desired:

BASE_URL="" USERNAME=<username> PASSWORD=<password> TESTID=<testid> python scripts/generate_test_data.py

The TESTID variable is the id from the URL when viewing the test. Move two files this script creates to backend/tests/internal/data and rename appropriately (following the existing patterns).

Then add the new test and scoring data to backend/tests/internal/apps/testing/test_scoring.py. Again, follow the existing patterns and it should be pretty straightforward. However, due to a bug in the script, you may have to edit the data files downloaded to change occurances of false to False.

Tests can be ran by exec'ing into the docker container (docker-compose exec api sh) and running:

pip install -r requirements_test.txt

Assessments remaining to add

  • CDI-2 Self
  • SRS Littles

Assessments remaining to verify


Old notes for fly.io database

To restart the database on fly.io:

fly pg restart -a testscoring-pg --skip-health-checks --force

If that doesn't work, then create a new database, cloned from the existing volume:

# fly pg create --fork-from <previous-db-app>:<previous-db-volume>
fly pg create --fork-from testscoring-pg:vol_6d7xkrkxjlwvw2q9

Then set the new database secret on the app (being sure to add the database name to the end of the URL string)

fly secrets set DATABASE_URL=...

Database Migration from fly to neon.tech

Start fly proxy

fly proxy 15432:5432 -a testscoring-pg2

Create a dump of the database

pg_dump -d testscoring -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres -Fc > testscoring_dump.pgsql

Restore the database into the new system

pg_restore -h <hostname> -U postgres -d testscoring testscoring_dump.pgsql