Azure Credentials

Work in Azure Cloud Shell

# assume bash

# check used subscription
az account list -o table
# if multiple, set default
az account set --subscription YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-ID
# check if active
az account list -o table

We may also need to create a service principal for Terraform to use. This is a user with a role that allows it to create resources in the subscription. We can create one with the following commands and output parameters in expected format:

# create and note deployment credentials, where relevant
SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account list -o json | jq -r '.[]|select(.isDefault)|.id')
# note credentials for config
AZCRED=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Owner" --scopes="/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" -n tf-user -o json)
# echo "$AZCRED" | jq .
CLIENT_ID=$(echo "$AZCRED" | jq -r .appId)
CLIENT_SECRET=$(echo "$AZCRED" | jq -r .password)
TENANT_ID=$(echo "$AZCRED" | jq -r .tenant)
cat << EOF
client_secret = "$CLIENT_SECRET"
client_id = "$CLIENT_ID"
tenant_id = "$TENANT_ID"
subscription_id = "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID"

Login to Ubuntu Machines using SSH

# assume Powershell

# make sure if SSH check for config files in ~/.ssh/config.d folder

cat ~/.ssh/config | sls 'config.d'
# Include config.d/*.conf
# if not, add line above to ~/.ssh/config and mkdir ~/.ssh/config.d

# retrieve ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 private SSH keys
terraform output -raw u1_ssh_key > ~/.ssh/ubuntu1.key
terraform output -raw u2_ssh_key > ~/.ssh/ubuntu2.key
# might need to review permissions in Linux/bash
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/ubuntu1.key
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/ubuntu2.key

# retrieve Ubuntu VM ssh configs for easy access
terraform output -raw u1_ssh_config > ~/.ssh/config.d/ubuntu1.conf
terraform output -raw u2_ssh_config > ~/.ssh/config.d/ubuntu2.conf

# test access VMs
ssh ubuntu1
ssh ubuntu2

Login to Check Point VM using SSH

# assume Powershell
terraform output -raw cp_login_cmd | iex
# cliboard contains password, just paste it (e.g mouse right click)

Use AKS cluster with kubectl

# pay attantion to -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME in case you changed default
az aks get-credentials -g tf-azure-training-rg -n aks1
kubectl get nodes

Disable hide NAT for AKS Pods

You will have to re-apply TF with route-through-firewall=true for Pods to reach Internet as NAT will be done on CHKP.

# assume Powershell

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: azure-ip-masq-agent-config
  namespace: kube-system
    component: ip-masq-agent "true" EnsureExists
  ip-masq-agent: |-
    masqLinkLocal: true
'@ |  kubectl -n kube-system apply -f -

Some Azure demo workload

kubectl create ns demo
kubectl -n demo create deploy webka1 --image nginx --replicas 3

kubectl -n demo get pods -o wide --show-labels

# some traffice
kubectl -n demo get pods -o name | % { kubectl -n demo exec -it $_ -- curl -s -m 2 }

Wait for CP Management to become available

Login using SSH

# VM diagnostics in Azure (serial console)

# before FTCW finished
tail -f /var/log/cloud_config.log
# after reboot check for server readiness
watch -d api status

Enable CP Management API Server

# add user api_user

# enable API server
mgmt_cli -r true set api-settings accepted-api-calls-from "All IP addresses" --domain 'System Data' --format json
api restart
api status

AKS service account for CP integration

DC Query works on top of Identity Awareness

[Expert@chkp-standalone:0]# pdp m su a
Ip          Name/Domain                
=======================================  [m] webka1-657b8bbdff-gd2wg  [m] webka1-657b8bbdff-7ssws  [m] webka1-657b8bbdff-zfzng  [m] webka1-657b8bbdff-l958w  [m] webka1-657b8bbdff-72wxm   [m] webka1-657b8bbdff-xkc2r