
Configurable soundboard bot for discord

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Configurable soundboard for Discord

The goal of this project is to create an easily-configurable, self-hosted soundboard for Discord communities. Inspired by airhornbot, my community wanted a similar bot tailored to our personal in-jokes and lore. This project uses much of the same data structures and Discord API calls as airhornbot, but is less focused on organizing sounds into collections and more focused on providing a growable list of specific commands.


  • Track stats on sound usage
  • Improve process of inviting bot to server (how does Discord Music Bot Work?)
  • Move persistence away from flat file into some sort of true database system

Installation Instructions

Set up a Discord Application

Before you pull or run any code, browse to your Discord My Apps page and create a new app. The name and icon don't matter- just choose something fun that your community will appreciate. Once your app is created, you'll need to click the Create a Bot User button. Once you've done that, you should be able to access your Token, which you'll need to plug into Discord Soundboard to use.

You also need to invite your bot to your server, which you can do right now. Take the following URL, and replace the client ID with the client ID listed on your application's page:


You should be directed to a standardized Discord authorization prompt, which will allow you to add your bot to your server, provided you have the correct permissions.

Install Go

I'm not going to get into the weeds of installing Go on your system, but following Golang's getting started page should get you 99% of the way there. Just make sure that you set your GOPATH environment variable so that go get and go install work correctly.

Pull From Github

Once you have Go installed and ready to "go" (😉), pull down this project with go get github.com/mkolas/discord-soundboard.


In discord-soundboard/config/config.json, replace the Token value from the existing dummy string with the bot token provided by the Discord My Apps page.

You can also set a Status value, which will set the default status of the bot on Discord's member list. This is useful if you want to point your community members to the URL of your upload form, for example.

If you'd like to run on a port other than 8000, you can also set an alternative Port in this configuration file.


The bot can then be run with go run main.go from the $GOPATH/src/github.com/mkolas/discord-soundboard directory. More preferably, you can run go install which will create a discord-soundboard execuable in $GOPATH/bin. You'll have to copy the config and sounds directories over to $GOPATH/bin, but running from the bin directory will allow you to keep an installed binary away from any code you may choose to modify.

A simple website for creating and managing sounds a


Typing !commands in your Discord chat should cause the Soundboard to output the list of available commands in the system. Each command should be prefixed with a !. This prefix character will be configuable eventually.

Creating Sounds

Sounds can be added to the Soundboard in one of two ways:

  1. Using dca-rs, you can generate .dca files and then add them to config/sounds.csv. Each row should identify the location of the sound (from sounds/) and the command (without ! prefix) used to play it. Using dca-rs, the command to generate a sound should be ./dca-rs -i <input wav file> --raw > <output file>. Make sure that you don't forget the --raw flag!
  2. Using the supplied web page and service, sounds can be added by browsing to localhost:<port>/dsb/upload.html and submitting the form. Just make sure that dca-rs and ffmpeg are available on your PATH, otherwise this might not work. This is not completely battle tested right now, but should work for simple sound management.

Note: it has come to my attention that dca-rs has been removed from GitHub and is no longer available.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Please feel free to get at me- I'd love more folks to be able to experience this wonderful and weird project.