
Simple blog

Primary LanguageHTML

Simple Blog

Nothing fancy.


Clone the repository onto your local computer

git clone https://github.com/mkomod/sb


Edit Makefile and provide the address of your webserver


Tip: for passwordless uploads run ssh-copy-id user@server and follow the instructions.


$ make preview

Starts a python html server and launches index.html. Useful for previewing changes before uploading them.

$ make update

Updates index.html and blog.html. The latest article in ./posts is appended onto index.html and all the articles in ./posts are concatentated in reverse cronological order (newest -> oldest).

$ make upload or $ make

Updates index.html and blog.html and uploads the content to your webserver.


Edit templates/index.html and templates/blog.html to change how these pages look. To change the styling edit assets/style.css.

Adding articles

Article names should be named by date, e.g. 210123.html. A template is provided in ./posts

    <h4> Title </h4>
    <p> Content including some equations either inline $x=2$ or as a block $$y=x^2$$. You can also include inline <code>print("-")</code> or code blocks
<pre><code># hello_world.py
