
.Net-based command-line utility to query Salesforce via the REST API

Primary LanguageC#


.Net-based command-line utility to query Salesforce data.

This is mostly a proof of concept on how to integrate with Salesforce's REST API, but it still can be used to query data in the org.


SFQuery uses the Salesforce REST API to perform SOQL queries based the data in your organisation.


You will need to create a Connected App endpoint in your org for SFQuery to be able to log onto it.

You will then need to configure your credentials (username/password/connected app ID and secret) in the App.config file.

Step-by-step information to be found here.


Querying the data in your org

To run a query:

SfQuery <query>

For instance:

SfQuery "Select ID, Name from Contact"