
Functional tests for fbdev

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This package contains functional tests for the generic 'fbdev' frame buffer
devices for Linux mobile platforms.


Running the tests in the package requires
  * linux >= 2.6.15
  * GNU libc >= 2.1

Optionally, a min test framework module will be built if it is present.

Building the package

The package should build cleanly with GCC 4.x with the mentioned libraries.
The preferred way is to use the Debian packaging tools for the build; these
will run Autotools for configuration and makefile generation.

The package builds (from the source tree root) with

 $ dpkg-buildpackage

( you may need some combination of '-rfakeroot', '-uc', '-us', etc, depending
  on your system configuration )

Alternatively, the packagin can be skipped by just running with Autotools:

 $ ./autogen.sh
 $ ./configure
 $ make

Running the tests

USAGE: blts-fbdev-tests [-l mylog.txt] [-e test1,test2...] [-en "my test"] [-s] [-?] [-nc] [-C variation_config.cnf] [-v]
  -l: Used log file, default blts-fbdev-log.txt
  -e: Execute single or multiple selected tests, for example -e 1,4,5.
  -en: Execute test by name, for example -en "My test X"
  -s: Show list of all tests
  -C: Used parameter configuration file
  -?: This message
  -nc: Do not output log to terminal
  -v: Verbose logging (default)
  -vv: Very verbose logging, with trace information

Test cases

* Core-Framebuffer read frame buffer information with ioctl
        Reads variant and fixed screen information from frame buffer device(s).

* Core-Framebuffer set blanking levels
        Tests each of the blanking levels on all configured framebuffer

* Core-Framebuffer 1-pixel uncached read
        Performance test of reading visible framebuffer pixel by pixel. Uses
        rusage to estimate the CPU usage %. Prints information about the test
        and framebuffer into the log and standard output. Done for all
        configured framebuffer devices.

* Core-Framebuffer 1-pixel uncached write
        Performance test of writing into visible framebuffer pixel by pixel.
        Uses rusage to estimate the CPU usage %. Prints information about the
        test and framebuffer device into the log and standard output. Done
        for all configured framebuffer devices.

* Core-Framebuffer 1-pixel uncached modify
        Performance test of both reading and vriting into visible framebuffer
        pixel by pixel. Uses rusage to estimate the CPU usage %. Prints
        information about the test and framebuffer into the log and and
        stadard output. Done for all configured framebuffer devices.

* Core-Framebuffer fullscreen buffer read
        Performance test of reading a fullscreen framebuffer at once. Uses
        rusage to estimate the CPU usage %. Prints information about the test
        and framebuffer into the log and standard output. Done for all
        configured devices.

* Core-Framebuffer fullscreen buffer write
        Performance test of writing into  a fullscreen framebuffer at once.
        Uses rusage to estimate the CPU usage %. Prints information about the
        test and framebuffer into the log and standard output. Done for all
        configured devices.

* Core-Framebuffer fullscreen buffer modify
        Performance test of both reading and writing into a fullscreen
        framebuffer at once. Uses rusage to estimate the CPU usage %. Prints
        information about the test and framebuffer into the log and standard
        output. Done for all configured devices.

* Core-Backlight verify backlight levels
        Verify backlight system's backlight level limits against configured
        limits. Tests the limit values, by using the actual limit and going
        one step over it.

* Core-Backlight linear backlight level changes
        Linearly goes through all values between configured minimum and maximum
        values, by first going from min -> max and then from max -> min.
        NOTE: This case can timeout if the min and max are very big. The case
        sleeps for two seconds between each step!

* Core-Backlight logarithmic backlight level changes
        Goes through all values between configured minimum and maximum
        values, by going from min -> max. The values are increased by following
        pattern: (max light / log10 (max light)) * log10 (between min and max)
        NOTE: This case can timeout if the min and max are very big. The case
        sleeps for two seconds between each step!