Demo page

Summary of code

// page/index.js
function Home() {
  const router = useRouter();

  // alert if router is updated or init
  useEffect(() => {
    alert("router is updated(or init)");
    console.log("router is updated(or init)", router);
  }, [router]);

  // alert if page is restored from bfcache
  useEffect(() => {
    const checkBfcache = (e) => {
      console.log("This page is restored from bfcache?", e.persisted);
      if (e.persisted) {
        alert("This page is served from bfcache");
    window.addEventListener("pageshow", checkBfcache);
  }, []);

  return (
        <title>Create Next App</title>
        <h1>Currennt path: {router.asPath}</h1>
          <h3>Inner links</h3>
              <button onClick={() => router.replace("/?a=b")}>/?a=b</button>
              <button onClick={() => router.replace("/?a=b&c=d")}>
              <button onClick={() => router.replace("/")}>/</button>
          <h3>Outer links</h3>
              <Link as="a" href="" passHref={true}>

// prevent '/' be static page (running as dynamic page)
Home.getInitialProps = async ({ req, res }) => {
  res?.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private, no-cache, must-revalidate");
  return {};

export default Home;

How to invoke bug

  1. enter page. (/)
  2. click /?a=b button.
  3. click /?a=b&c=d button.
  4. click link) button.
  5. click back button.
  6. bfcache is used. (page is restored without reload page)
  7. but router is updated, and useEffect(()=> {...}, [router]) is triggered.
    • page is restored from bfcache, thus router must be not updated. but router is updated, and effect is executed.
    • This bug is only generated from desktop/mobile safari, mobile chrome. (not generated from desktop chrome)

desktop chrome

  • when page is restored from bfcache, router is not updated. (not showed router update message alert)

desktop safari

- when page is restored from bfcache, router is updated. ( showed router update message alert)
  • same as mobile safari, mobile chrome.
  • but diffrent from desktop chrome...

What is problem?

Phase 7 is unexpected behavior. (desktop/mobile safari and mobile chrome behavior is different from desktop chrome)

And also, in below situation, router is not updated on all browsers.

  1. enter page. (/)
  2. click link) button.
  3. click back button.
  4. bfcache is used (page is restored without reload page)
  5. (important) router is not updated on all browser.
    • so useEffect(()=> {...}, [router]) is not triggered.

desktop chrome

  • when page is restored from bfcache, router is not updated. (not showed router update message alert)

desktop safari

- when page is restored from bfcache, router is not updated. (not showed router update message alert)
  • In this case, same as mobile safari, mobile chrome.