
Plugin for devpi-server which provides LDAP authentication.

Primary LanguagePython

devpi-ldap: LDAP authentication for devpi-server

For use with devpi-server >= 2.1.0.


devpi-ldap needs to be installed alongside devpi-server.

You can install it with:

pip install devpi-ldap

For devpi-server there is no configuration needed, as it will automatically discover the plugin through calling hooks using the setuptools entry points mechanism.

Details about LDAP configuration below.


A script named devpi-ldap can be used to test your LDAP configuration.

To configure LDAP, create a yaml file with a dictionary containing another dictionary under the devpi-ldap key with the following options:

The url of the LDAP server. Using ldaps:// enables SSL. No certificate validation is performed at the moment.
The template to generate the distinguished name for the user. If the structure is fixed, this is faster than specifying a user_search, but devpi-server can't know whether a user exists or not.
If you can't or don't want to use user_template, then these are the search settings for the users distinguished name. You can use username in the search filter. See specifics below.
The search settings for the group objects of the user. You can use username and userdn (the distinguished name) in the search filter. See specifics below.
Whether to follow referrals. This needs to be set to false in many cases when using LDAP via Active Directory on Windows. The default is true.

The user_search and group_search settings are dictionaries with the following options:

The base location from which to search.
The search filter. To use replacements, put them in curly braces. Example: (&(objectClass=group)(member={userdn}))
The scope for the search. Valid values are base-object, single-level and whole-subtree. The default is whole-subtree.
The name of the attribute which should be extracted from the search result.
The distinguished name of the user which should be used for the search operation. If you don't have anonymous user search or if the users can't search their own groups, then you need to set this to a user which has the necessary rights.
The password for the user in userdn.

The YAML file should then look similar to this:

  url: ldap://example.com
  user_template: CN={username},CN=Partition1,DC=Example,DC=COM
    base: CN=Partition1,DC=Example,DC=COM
    filter: (&(objectClass=group)(member={userdn}))
    attribute_name: CN

An example with user search and Active Directory might look like this:

  url: ldap://example.com
  user_template: CN={username},CN=Partition1,DC=Example,DC=COM
    base: CN=Partition1,DC=Example,DC=COM
    filter: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={username}))
    attribute_name: distinguishedName
    base: CN=Partition1,DC=Example,DC=COM
    filter: (&(objectClass=group)(member={userdn}))
    attribute_name: CN