
Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC

pydebsign is a yet another library of debsign


https://secure.travis-ci.org/mkouhei/pydebsign.png?branch=devel https://coveralls.io/repos/mkouhei/pydebsign/badge.png?branch=devel Documentation Status


debsign is a command of devscripts that signs a Debian .changes and .dsc file pair using GPG. The command cannot be used in environments without TTY, for example, as invoked by CI.

I had tried to use debsign via subprocess module of Python as follows, but passphrase prompt is always shown. It was the same in the case of using gnupg-agent and keyring.:

>>> import subprocess
>>> import shlex
>>> command0 = 'echo -e "%s\n%s\n"' % (`passphrase`, `passphrase`)
>>> command1 = '/usr/bin/debsign -k %s %s' % (`keyid`, `.changes`)
>>> process0 = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command0),
...                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
...                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
...                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> process1 = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command1),
...                             stdin=process0.stdout,
...                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
...                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

So, I decided to make a Python library to do the same (have behavior of debsign), but work as expected without TTY.


  • It is enable to sign .changes and .dsc files with GPG without the input of interactive passphrase.
  • It can also be used by a user can not login shell on the CI, such as Jenkins.


  • Debian system, or the system derived from Debian.
    • Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy
    • Debian GNU/Linux Jessie/Sid
    • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Debian package as follows;
    • gnupg
    • dput
    • lintian
    • python (= python2.7) or python3
  • Python packages as follows;
    • python_gnupg (as debian package is python-gnupg or python3-gnupg)
    • python_debian (as debian package is python-debian or python3-debian)
    • chardet (as debian package is python-chardet or python3-chardet)


Generic usage;:

>>> from pydebsign import debsign
>>> debsign.debsign_process('/path/to/some.changes', passphrase='secretkey')

When use another GPG Keyring instead of default GPG keyring;:

>>> from pydebsign import debsign
>>> debsign.debsign_process('/path/to/some.changes', passphrase='secretkey',
...                         keyid='keyid', gnupghome='/path/to/gpghome')