
Examine CCFs in the APOGEE apstar files to search for double lined spectroscopic binaries

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Examine CCFs in the APOGEE apstar files to search for double lined spectroscopic binaries

Required packages:


python3 setup.py install


apogeesb2 /path/apogee/spectro/redux/r13/stars/apo25m/105-45

Identify SB2s in the APOGEE spectra via gaussian fitting of the CCF

positional arguments:
  directory             Directory containing apstar fits files

optional arguments:
  --usepath USEPATH     Instead of scanning directory, use txt file with full
                        paths to all apstar files (Default False)
  --out OUT             Name of the fits table to save identified SB2
                        properties (Default sb2s.fits)
  --saveall SAVEALL     Save deconvolution for all sources (Default False)
  --outall OUTALL       Name of the fits table to save identified SB2
                        properties (Default all_deconvolutions.fits)
  --makeccf MAKECCF     Make CCF from the data (default True), or read
                        existing pickle
  --ccfs CCFS           Name where to dump the pickle file containing ccfs
                        (Default ccfs.pickle)
  --meta META           Name where to dump the pickle file containing
                        corresponding metadata (Default ccfs_meta.pickle)
  --deconvolve DECONVOLVE
                        Deconvolve CCFs from scratch (default True), or read
                        existing pickle
  --deconvol DECONVOL   Name where to dump the pickle file containing raw
                        deconvolution (Default ccfs_decomposed.pickle)
  --deletetemp DELETETEMP
                        Delete temporary files (Default True)
  --makeplots MAKEPLOTS
                        Generate CCF plots (Default True)
  --plotdir PLOTDIR     Folder to output the figures (Default plots)
  --width WIDTH         Width from the central peak to scan, in km/s (Default
  --alpha ALPHA         Default alpha parameter (Default 1.5)
  --offset OFFSET       Default offset to the continuum (Default 0)
  --epoch EPOCH [EPOCH ...]
                        Epochs to apply, starting with 0 (Default all)
  --silent SILENT       Print paths (Default False)