
VMaaS integration tests

Primary LanguagePython

VMaaS tests


  • install and setup VMaaS following instructions in VMaaS README
  • import repositories data
  • create new python virtual environment using virtualenv -p python3 .vmaas_venv
  • activate the environment using . vmaas_venv/bin/activate
  • install tests requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt

DB setup (requires additional configuration files)

  • clone repository with config files
  • change directory to vmaas_tests
  • setup the DB using the following
vmaas/scripts/setup_db.sh <path_to_repolist> <target_hostname> <path_to_vmaas_project>
  • or more specifically
vmaas/scripts/setup_db.sh ../vmaas-yamls/data/repolist.json localhost ../vmaas

Running tests

pytest -v

Perf tests

Install tsung testing tool (dnf install tsung on Fedora).

Run tests using run_upload_perf_test.py script.

This will run perf tests for 60 seconds with 50 concurrent users and with 300 packages per request randomly selected from packages list agains VMaaS server running on localhost port 8080:

vmaas/scripts/run_upload_perf_test.py -i rpm_list.txt -p 300 -s localhost:8080 -d 60 -u 50