Infant Tracker App

Flask application that allows users to keep daily log of their infants feeding times, dirty diapers and more.

Features List

  • General

    • Dark mode
    • Allow users to switch between Dark/Light mode
    • 404 page for invalid requests
  • Goals

    • Enter desired goals to accomplish for the day
  • Feeding Times

    • Display each entry as a row with:
    • Start/stop time
    • Dirty diapers (wet/solid)
    • Weight
    • Notes
    • Configure customizable options for row display (only time + notes, for example )
  • Charts & Graphs

    • Display data in week or month view
  • User Registration Page

    • Validate user input before submission
    • Unique emails to prevent duplicate accounts
    • Save new user in DB
    • Re-direct user to login after creating new account
    • Display success message notifying user account was created
    • Submit baby details (name, birthdate)
  • Login Page

    • Validate user credentials before login
    • Re-direct to profile page after login
  • User Profile

    • Redirect to login page if user is not logged in
    • Redirect to profile page upon successful login
    • Welcome message displayed
    • Display user account data