mkowalik's Stars
Firmware of data acquisition system prepared to log data from CAN Bus and GPS system using microSD card as storage mass. Logger is designed to be used in Formula Student racing car as a part of AGH Racing Team project. This repository was extracted (removing code folders of other projects) from private AGH Racing repository using "git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter (...)" command.
This is project of simple Tetris game written in Verilog langueage deployed on BASYS3 FPGA development board for course 'Digital electronic circuits 2' for 'Microelectronics in industry and medicine' Field of Study on AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Members: Monika Dutkowska, Michał Kowalik.
My Master's thesis in Computer Science at Jagiellonian University. Project written in Python language with usage of OpenCV library. Aim of this appliacation is recognition and tracking of traffic lines in front of the vehicle using standard video cameras.
Bluetooth HC-05 module + STM32 project of Bluetooth Data Transmitter as part of CAN+GPS Data Logging system for AGH Racing/diploma thesis for Telecommunication Technologies at AGH University of Science and Technology.