
Make dotfiles great again. Use chezmoi to install my dotfiles on all the platforms.

Primary LanguageShell


Make dotfiles great again




$ curl -sfL https://git.io/chezmoi | sh
$ chezmoi init https://github.com/mkowalski/dotfiles-chezmoi.git
$ chezmoi diff
$ chezmoi apply

i3 Status Bar

$ git clone https://github.com/mkowalski/i3-bar.git
$ go build && mv i3-bar ~/go/bin/i3-bar

SELinux and systemd troubleshooting

SELinux has the idea that binaries can be executed only from specific directories. Turns out /home/[^/]+/\.local/bin(/.*)? is allowed, but /home/[^/]+/bin(/.*)? is not. In order to fix the lock-wrapper script, the following may be needed

# semanage fcontext  -a -t bin_t /home/*/bin/lock-wrapper
# chcon -Rv -u system_u -t bin_t /home/*/bin/lock-wrapper
# restorecon -R -v /home/*/bin/lock-wrapper