Based off my original "Making Pagination Easier" blog post (, however it has been altered to adjust the query so that the total count can be calculated by querying for a single row with a count included.
// establish a database connection in your code
$db = mysqli_connect( 'localhost', 'root', '', 'database');
// create the pagination object, and pass the database connection
$p = new Pagination( $db );
// set a limit
// set an offset
$p->setOffset( isset( $_GET['page_number'] ) ? intval( $_GET['page_number'] ) : 0 );
// set the query
$p->setQuery( "SELECT * FROM something " );
// do the pagination
// what we do with these variables depends on the tempLating system used: the pagination object could send them direct to the template system for us
// get an array of results
$results = $p->getResults();
// get the current page number
$current_page = $p->getCurrentPage();
// get the number of pages
$number_of_pages = $p->getNumPages();
$first_page_link = $p->isFirst() ? "" : "<a href='?page_number=0'>First page</a>";
$previous_page_link = $p->isFirst() ? "" : "<a href='?page_number=".( $p->getCurrentPage() - 2 )."'>Previous page</a>";
$next_page_link = $p->isLast() ? "" : "<a href='?page_number=" . $p->getCurrentPage() . "'>Next page</a>";
$last_page_link = $p->isLast() ? "" : "<a href='?page_number=".( $p->getCurrentPage() - 1 )."'>Last page</a>";
echo '<ul>';
foreach( $results as $result )
echo '<li>' . $result['something'] . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo 'Page ' . $current_page . ' of ' . $number_of_pages . '<br />';
echo $first_page_link . ' ' . $previous_page_link . ' ' . $next_page_link . ' ' . $last_page_link;