
expert router configuration wizard

Primary LanguagePython

#WARNING This readme is out of date. Django has been replaced with Pyramid. The Django source code has been preserved under src/django-root while the pyramid version lives next door at src/pyramid-root. The Pyramid version is a complete functioning version of this system while the Django version is not however, i have not yet tested building the dev-env (startenv.sh) and running the Pyramid application under this folder structure.


A small-office/home-office router configuration wizard

Build Dev Environment

Run erc/startenv.sh to build 32bit python2.6 and pyclips from source. The script will also create a virtualenv named "ev" and install the pyclips and django1.6 modules locally to the "ev" environment.

cd erc

Dev Notes

I have not had luck using pyclips with 64bit python and many google searches will lead down the path to compiling pyclips with python2.7 but they often end-up buggy. Playing it safe here and sticking to 32bit python2.6. Using virtualenv to keep system default python in place and out of the way.

verify devenv


python -c "import clips; import django; print(django.get_version())"

web server

python manage.py runserver 8080

then browse --> http://localhost:8080


  1. add 'erc_app' to INSTALLED_APPS in erc/erc/settings.py
  2. and run the following
python manage.py validate
python manage.py sql erc_app
python manage.py syncdb


if all the above works fine, you can play with the APIs in the sandbox

python manage.py shell

Notes on Integrating Django, Python, and the CLIPS Expert System

PyCLIPS is a lib wrapper of CLIPS. [more info on pyclips: http://prezi.com/5-vp1anq-xu2/pyclips/]

Refer to: http://pyclips.sourceforge.net/manual/pyclips-overview.html section 1.2.5 Using external functions in CLIPS

Use pyclips' python-call to make callbacks to python, setting certain variables when a new message (user query or otherwise) or a new script command is triggered in the knowledge base

Running CLIPS in interactive mode with Django

Refer to: http://pyclips.sourceforge.net/manual/pyclips-overview.html section 2.1.2 Functions (Run[limit])

Use clips.run(1) to run the expert system until exactly one(1) rule has been activated. Check your variables to see if a new message, new script command, or both need to be processed.


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