
Sentence segmenter for legal texts

Primary LanguagePython


This is a spaCy-based sentence segmenter for legal texts. It was developed and initially used for a corpus of U.S. Supreme Court opinions with metalanguage annotations called CuRIAM. The segmenter was trained on 41 U.S. Supreme Court opinions from the Court's 2019 term. The opinions are written in English.

We have not conducted any formal evaluation of the segmenter's performance. Anecdotally, it gets the vast majority of sentence boundaries on in-domain documents correct. When it does occasionally fail, it's often because of unfamiliar party names in legal citations, especially those complicated by numbers or abbreviations with periods.

The model is initialized from en_core_web_lg and trained on 41 manually segmented opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court. This manual segmentation was an iterative process. First, we used spaCy to tokenize and segment a handful of opinions. We fixed the output on those opinions, retrained the model, and repeated the process, adding a few more opinions each time until we had gold sentence boundaries for all 41 opinions. We then retrained the model a final time on those 41 opinions, and this is the model that is released. You can train it from scratch using the intructions below or you can use the version provided in the saved_model directory.

Training the model

Install dependencies and activate the environment:

$ mamba env create -f environment.yml
$ mamba activate curiam-segmenter

Download spaCy's en_core_web_lg model:

$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

Serialize the training text files into a spaCy DocBin object for training and dev. The dev set is not an actual dev set here. The dev set is a full copy of the training set, used to show training progress.

$ python scripts/prep_training_data.py

Train and save the model in the models folder:

With GPU:

$ python -m spacy train training_config.cfg --paths.train train.spacy --paths.dev dev.spacy -o models --gpu-id 0

With CPU (this may take a very long time, training only tested with GPU):

$ python -m spacy train training_config.cfg --paths.train train.spacy --paths.dev dev.spacy -o models

Download the trained model

Extract the model-last directory from saved_model.

$ cd saved_model
$ tar -xf model-last.tar.gz


The model (trained from scratch or downloaded) can be used like any off-the-shelf spaCy model:

import spacy

paragraph = "This is a sentence. This is another sentence."

custom_nlp = spacy.load("saved_model/model-last")git
doc = custom_nlp(paragraph)
for sent in list(doc.sents):


This is a sentence.

This is another sentence.