Bay Area Metro Internal Urban GeoDatabase
This repository contains land use/urban economics data and related code for Bay Area Metro. The major categories of data and code (equivalent to the directory structure above) are:
- applications: the various products and analyses supported by basis
- basemap: information on the current state of buildings and their inhabitants
- incoming:
- policies: information on existing local and regional land use policies
- regional: region-wide forecasts for households and employment
- travel:
- zones: various boundary files and related data for TAZs, MAZs, Jurisdictions, PDAs, etc; geographic lookups
Common File Types
- each data file has a name and generally ends with a csv denoting that is it a comma separated values text file
- most data files have a corresponding file with "meta" prepended: this contains information about the structure and creation of the data file
- most data files have a corresponding file with "temp" prepended: this is template with blank values
- most data files have a corresponding file with "dict" prepended: this contains a variable dictionary for that data file
- start with product
- examines its readme and metadata file (i.e., starts with 'meta' and means information about the data)
- move back toward original main category indicated in metadata file
- look at readme and metadata file
- look at code and raw data