
Loads mustache templates from a directory tree into a dictionary object

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Do you have your mustache templates in a subdirectory tree of your project like so?

├── more
│   └── def.mustache
├── some
│   ├── others
│   │   └── klm.mustache
│   └── xyz.txt
├── abc.mustache
└── uvw.js

Do you want to reference them in an easy way in your code like so?

mustache.render(templates.some.others.klm, view);

Just require mustache-dictionary and call it on your target directory.

var mustacheDictionary = require('mustache-dictionary');
var templates = mustacheDictionary('templates');

This will load your templates and return an object of the following form

    more: {
        def: '<content of def.mustache>'
    some: {
        others: {
            klm: '<content of klm.mustache>'
    abc: '<content of abc.mustache>'


npm install mustache-dictionary --save


If you need to extend the functionality of mustache-dictionary please feel free to contribute!

Get the code

git clone https://github.com/mkretz/mustache-dictionary.git

Run the tests

npm test