
An OpenShift variant of the notification app


An OpenShift variant of the notification app

How to deploy the backend components

Prepare configuration

  1. Create a sandbox account on Mailgun
  2. Fill in the mailbox url and the to-address in notification-mailer-configmap.yaml

Deploy the individual components

oc apply -f notification-db-volume-claim.yaml
oc apply -f notification-db-deployment.yml
oc apply -f notification-db-service.yml

oc apply -f notification-mq-deployment.yml
oc apply -f notification-mq-service.yaml

oc apply -f notification-api-deployment.yaml
oc apply -f notification-api-service.yml

oc apply -f notification-mailer-configmap.yaml
oc apply -f notification-mailer-deployment.yml

How to deploy the UI components

Option 1: from the Docker image

oc apply -f notification-ui-deployment.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-service.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-route.yaml

Option 2: as an automated build triggered by a Git web hook

Prepare configuration

  1. generate a secret (e.g. openssl rand -hex 8)
  2. Fill in the secret in place of <webhook-secret> in notification-ui-builder-bc.yaml and notification-ui-runtime-bc.yaml

Deploy the image streams and builds

oc apply -f nginx-image-runtime.yaml
oc apply -f web-app-builder-runtime.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-runtime.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-builder.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-builder-bc.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-runtime-bc.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-deployment-config.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-service.yaml
oc apply -f notification-ui-route.yaml

How to clean up

oc delete -f notification-mailer-deployment.yml
oc delete -f notification-mailer-configmap.yaml

oc delete -f notification-ui-route.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-service.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-deployment.yaml

oc delete -f nginx-image-runtime.yaml
oc delete -f web-app-builder-runtime.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-runtime.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-builder.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-builder-bc.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-runtime-bc.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-deployment-config.yaml
oc delete -f notification-ui-service.yaml

oc delete -f notification-api-service.yml
oc delete -f notification-api-deployment.yaml

oc delete -f notification-mq-service.yaml
oc delete -f notification-mq-deployment.yml

oc delete -f notification-db-service.yml
oc delete -f notification-db-deployment.yml
oc delete -f notification-db-volume-claim.yaml