
Apache Kafka project

Primary LanguageJava

Table of contents

Project modules

├── docker-compose          # docker files and kafka cluster containers data
├── github-accounts-app     # github accounts analyzer app
├── kafka-cluster           # files, CLI commands and scripts related with kafka cluster 
├── kafka-connect           # files, CLI commands and scripts related with kafka connect
├── kafka-sql-metrics       # files, CLI commands and scripts related with KSQL
├── kafka-stream-metrics    # kafka streams metrics app
├── modules-tests           # e2e tests for modules of the project


  • Unix-like operating system
  • Git
  • Docker
  • JDK with Java 8 or higher
  • Apache Maven


To run project, follow these steps:

  1. Open terminal and clone the project from github repository

  2. Go to project root directory

$ cd <project_folder>

where <project_folder> is a path to project root directory

  1. Download and install all required project dependencies (use Maven)

  2. Build .jar files for producer and consumer apps (github-accounts-app and kafka-stream-metrics)

$ mvn package


$ mvn install
  1. Run 'entrypoint.sh' script and wait until it finish (it may take some time)
$ bash entrypoint.sh
  1. Check if producers and consumers apps were started in 'entrypoint.sh' script, if not, run them manually
$ java -jar github-accounts-app/target/<created_jar_name> &
$ java -jar kafka-stream-metrics/target/<created_jar_name> &


$ java -jar github-accounts-app/target/github-accounts-app-0.11-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar &
$ java -jar kafka-stream-metrics/target/kafka-stream-metrics-0.11-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar &
  1. Check if 'entrypoint.sh' script has started pipeline, if not, run following command in root project directory:
$ cp ./github-accounts.json ./docker-compose/containers-data/kafka-connect/data/githubAccounts-unprocessed-files

Kafka connect source connector should detect 'github-accounts.json' file, read data from it, and run the pipeline.

All metrics will be written under '<root_project_directory>/docker-compose/containers-data/kafka-connect/data/' folder (as JSON files).

Ending application

  1. Stop all producers and consumers apps

  2. Go to 'docker-compose' directory

$ cd <root_project_directory>/docker-compose/
  1. Run command:
$ docker-compose down
  1. Remove 'containers-data' folder from 'docker-compose' module.




Created by @mkrolczyk - feel free to contact me!