
Big Data Python + Spark framework project

Primary LanguagePython

Big data Python + Spark project

Table of contents

Task content

Given datasets

Mobile App click stream projection


  • userId: String
  • eventId: String
  • eventTime: Timestamp
  • eventType: String
  • attributes: Map[String, String]

There could be events of the following types that form a user engagement session:

  • app_open
  • search_product
  • view_product_details
  • purchase
  • app_close

Events of app_open type may contain the attributes relevant to the marketing analysis:

  • campaign_id
  • channel_id

Events of purchase type contain purchase_id attribute.

Purchases projection


  • purchaseId: String
  • purchaseTime: Timestamp
  • billingCost: Double
  • isConfirmed: Boolean

Tasks & Requirements

Tasks #1 - Build Purchases Attribution Projection

Target schema:

  • purchaseId: String
  • purchaseTime: Timestamp
  • billingCost: Double
  • isConfirmed: Boolean
  • sessionId: String // a session starts with app_open event and finishes with app_close
  • campaignId: String // derived from app_open#attributes#campaign_id
  • channelIid: String // derived from app_open#attributes#channel_id

Tasks #2 - Calculate Marketing Campaigns And Channels Statistics

Task #2.1. Top Campaigns:

  • Top 10 marketing campaigns that bring the biggest revenue (based on billingCost of confirmed purchases)

Task #2.2. Channels engagement performance:

  • Most popular (i.e. Top) channel that drives the highest amount of unique sessions (engagements) with the App in each campaign

Project description

Project consists of the following directories:

  • bigdata-input-generator
    This directory content is necessary to generate sample input data for project analyze marketing data purposes
  • configs
    It's a directory to store any external configuration parameters required by spark jobs in JSON format
  • dependencies
    Here you can find some general project dependencies (global spark configuration, logger setup etc.)
  • jobs
    This directory consists of spark app created jobs
  • tests
    Here you can find some spark app tests

Technologies and dependencies

  • Python 3.8
  • PySpark 3.1.2


  • Git
  • Python 3.8 (or higher) and pip3 (package-management system)

Build instruction

To run project, follow these steps:

  1. Open terminal and clone the project from github repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/mkrolczyk12/python-spark.git
$ cd <project_cloned_folder>

where <project_cloned_folder> is a path to project root directory

  1. Create and activate virtualenv:
  • If no virtualenv package installed, run:
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip3 install virtualenv
  • Then
$ python3 -m venv ENV_NAME

where 'ENV_NAME' is the name of env

  • Activate virtualenv
$ source ./ENV_NAME/bin/activate
  1. Generate sample input data for your project:
  • Install the required python packages and run the main script from the bigdata-input-generator directory to generate the datasets
(ENV_NAME)$ pip3 install -r ./bigdata-input-generator/requirements.txt
(ENV_NAME)$ python3 ./bigdata-input-generator/main.py
  1. Install project required dependencies:
(ENV_NAME)$ pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
  1. Check if everything works by running tests
(ENV_NAME)$ python3 -m tests.test_task1
(ENV_NAME)$ python3 -m tests.test_task2
  1. Run main script
(ENV_NAME)$ python3 -m jobs.main

The app should be ready to use.




Created by @mkrolczyk12 - feel free to contact me!