
PowerShell script to deploy Kubernetes cluster on Microsoft Hyper-V Server

Primary LanguagePowerShell


PowerShell script to deploy Kubernetes cluster on Microsoft Hyper-V Server

forked from https://github.com/nvtienanh/hyperv-k8s and customized for my own use on a stand alone windows 2022 server.

Get git

winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget

Quick Guide

✅Hyper-V server:

  • Generate SSH Public key

✅Windows client:

  • Run PowerShell as Admin
  • Go to Window Admin Center download public ssh key and save to $Home\.ssh
  • Download and setup Qemu-Img portable
cd to $Home\hyperkube
curl https://cloudbase.it/downloads/qemu-img-win-x64-2_3_0.zip -o qemu-img.zip
7z x .\qemu-img.zip
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
del .\hyperkube.ps1
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkronvold/hyperkube/main/hyperkube.ps1 -o hyperkube.ps1
.\hyperkube.ps1 Get-Image
.\hyperkube.ps1 Save-ISOMaster
.\hyperkube.ps1 Save-ISONode1

✅Windows hyper-v server (can be same machine):

  • Upload created isos (on Windows client) to C:\Users\${username}\hyperkube
  • Run PowerShell as Administrator
cd $Home\hyperkube
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkronvold/hyperkube/main/hyperkube.ps1 -o hyperkube.ps1
.\hyperkube.ps1 Install-Tools
.\hyperkube.ps1 Deploy-HostsFile
.\hyperkube.ps1 Deploy-Network
.\hyperkube.ps1 Get-Image
.\hyperkube.ps1 Deploy-Master
.\hyperkube.ps1 Deploy-Node1
.\hyperkube.ps1 Initialize-Kubeadm
.\hyperkube.ps1 Start-KubeadmJoin
.\hyperkube.ps1 Save-KubeConfig


You have to Start Powershell as administartor and run command set-executionpolicy remotesigned. It make all scripts and configuration files downloaded from the Internet are signed by a trusted publisher.

  • Install-Tools: Install packages kubectl, docker, qemu-img
  • Show-Config: show script config vars
  • Deploy-Network: install private or public host network
  • Deploy-HostsFile: append private network node names to etc/hosts
  • Get-Image: download the VM image
  • Deploy-Master: create and launch master node
  • Deploy-NodeN: create and launch worker node (node1, node2, ...)
  • Save-ISOMaster: save master node
  • Save-ISONodeN: save worker node (node1, node2, ...)
  • Get-Info: display info about nodes
  • Initialize-Kubeadm: Initialize kubeadm
  • Start-KubeadmJoin: Run Kubeadm joind command
  • Save-KubeConfig: Save Kube config to host
  • Restart-K8sVM: Soft-reboot the nodes
  • Shutdown-K8sVM: Soft-shutdown the nodes
  • Save-K8sVM: Snapshot the VMs
  • Restore-K8sVM: Restore VMs from latest snapshots
  • Stop-K8sVM: Stop the VMs
  • Start-K8sVM: Start the VMs
  • Remove-K8sVM: Stop VMs and delete the VM files
  • Remove-Network: Delete the network

How to use it
