
EU Power Plants Exploratory Data Analysis.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

EU Power Plants Exploratory Data Analysis

This project is an Exploration of EU-27 Power Plants. The repository consists of the EDA, PostreSQL Database creation and an interactive map of the power plants.


The purpose of this project is to analyze EU-27 Power Plants, examining their source types, emissions, power, capacity, and efficiency.

Technologies Used

  • Python 3.11.6 (pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, psycopg, sqlalchemy)
  • PostreSQL
  • JavaScript (D3.js)


🔷 powerplants-to-sql.ipynb

  • Cleaning the downloaded csv data
  • Uploading data into PostreSQL database


  • SQL Database creation query

🔷 powerplants-eda.ipynb

  • Quering the data from SQL database
  • Data Cleaning, Transformation and Feature Engineering
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization

🔷 /app

  • index.html, styles.css - HTML and CSS of the web map
  • script.js - D3.js SVG Map script

Data Sources