
fix broken log files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Lfixer (log-fixer.py) is a simple tool to apply custom fixing logic to log files, processing several files in parallel line by line, and keeping progress in local sqlite database.

Example usage

From source folder:

PYTHONPATH=. python3 bin/log-fixer.py Logs-In-Dir/ Logs-Out-Dir/ --parallel=64

After installing Debian package:

log-fixer.py Logs-In-Dir/ Logs-Out-Dir/ --parallel=64

Help page

PYTHONPATH=. python3 bin/log-fixer.py --help
log-fixer.py --help

Usage with custom log fixer function

By default, a json_fixer function from lfixer.broken_json module of lfixer package is used.

It is easy to write custom fixer function, which should take single required parameter, and may be referenced using --fixer-function script argument, like:

log-fixer.py Logs-In-Dir/ Logs-Out-Dir/  --fixer-function=package.module.function_name

The fixer function should return fixed log line, or None in case if the line was irrecoverable.

Build debian package

Currently having docker installed on your host is the only supported way to do this.

make deb

A debian package will reside in out/ directory of the source folder.

Build docker image

make docker

Docker usage example

docker run -v /home/user/Logs/:/opt/Logs/ -v /home/user/Logs-F/:/opt/Logs-F/ \
    -it lfixer:latest /opt/Logs/ /opt/Logs-F/

The progress database file is located at /tmp/progress.db inside docker file system.

If you want to keep progress on host, make sure to pass -v some-host-path:/tmp/progress.db parameter to your docker run command.

Run test suite

python setup.py test

Run test suite in docker

make test_docker


Test & benchmark with https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse