
This App uses the developer.spotify APIs to fetch newRelease,Artists,recommended Songs etc

Primary LanguageSwift


This App is using the developer.spotify API to fetch data and customise into playlist,audio tracks and recommendations of songs.
This Project is avilable on ios academy tutorial on youtube also*

  1. Consume the spotify APIs feed (converted to JSON) from the following URL: https://api.spotify.com/v1 + "required urls"
  2. The playlist contains a series of songs, with titles, subtitles, timestamps, etc, and many extraneous fields. Show these playlists summaries in a list as depicted in the design.
    a. Each Songs has an image to be shown in the list item.
    b. For playlist , show the thumbnail from the items/thumbnail path. For the large top article, show the items/enclosure/link image.
    c. The image should be loaded asynchronously.
    d. Show the title from the items/title field.
    e. Show the date from the items/, formatted as depicted in the design.
  3. All the reference of the project with all the APIs are prsent https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/.
  4. Used the SDWebImages the image cache and asyn ways laoding of the images.
  5. There is a functionality for search for the particular Artists,Songs etc.
  6. User can create a playlist in library sections.
  7. for playing of songs AVfoundation is used.
